Page 31 of Savage Beast

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“Don’t pry into my shit, I don’t care what you see or what you think you know, you may see things others don’t, but that doesn’t mean you know everything!” She flinches at my cold harsh tone, but I don’t give a fuck, shit happened today that should never have! Bex is furious at me for cutting a deal with Alexander and putting her at risk, but what choice did I have? Before I can get lost in my own thoughts, a scream tears from Belle’s throat and she sways on her feet as her eyes roll backward and starts to fall, I dart forward and catch her before she falls to the ground. I wrap my arm under her thigh and lift her, so she is laying bride style in my arms, she shakes and moans, a light sheen of sweat begins to coat her forehead––she’s having a vision! “I’m sorry for what is to come.” Staring at her like this in pain and agony because of something she can’t control breaks something inside me. “I think I fucked up beauty, I fucked up really bad today.” I lean down and press my lips against hers, when a hiss escapes her, I pull back and rush toward the house, it destroys me when she mumbles those three words.

“Help me Cairo.” I kick the front door open; growls erupt as they ready themselves to face a threat but relax when they see it’s me, Hunter rushes over and tries to grab her but I tighten my hold and growl right in his face.

“Back the fuck off pup.” His eyes change to the color of his wolf, we stand here glaring at the other until a small moan escapes Belle, he reluctantly steps back and motions toward the couch. I gently lay her down and ignore everyone else, my gaze focused only on her until something hits me in the side of the head. I turn and glare at my sister who shrugs and says.

“I do not need to see your baby maker, thank you very much.” I smirk and grab the black basketball shorts she throws at me and quickly stand pulling them on, I gently lift Belle’s head and then rest it back on my thigh.

“What happened today brother?” I pull my gaze from Belle and look around to see, Cole, Callie, Sky, Jess, Creed, Zeke, Hunter, Cass and Blake all staring at me waiting for an answer. I run my hand through my hair and sigh before answering Creed.

“I fucked up.”

“How so?” I meet Z’s gaze and whatever he sees in mine has him nodding and dropping down into the couch opposite me. “Fix it brother, there is no other option here, because you know what happens if you loseher.” Everyone around the room is staring at Z and I, I am the only one who understands his cryptic meaning, I feel for him, I would never betray his trust by sharing his story with…anyone.

“What does that mean?” I smile sadly up at my sister who is tucked under Creed’s arm, time to tell the truth and hope Sky is right.

“Gabrielle Wilder is my…mate.” Gasps and shouts begin to break out, Cass tries to lunge for me, but Blake and Hunter hold their older brother back, I glare at the fucker.

“You stay the fuck away from my sister––.”

“But she isn’t your sister is she, Cassius?” Hunter and Blake still, their gazes darting between Cass and I in confusion.

“The fuck does he mean bro?” Cass ignores Blake as he continues to glare and growl at me, I smirk, knowing I have the fucker by the balls.

“Tell them, they deserve to know that Belle is a… I guess we can call her an original.”

“What the fuck is he saying Cassius?” Hunter shoves Cass and steps into him, they’re chest to chest both heaving in anger. Cass doesn’t budge, and after a moment he finally steps back and curses under his breath before meeting my stare.

“How did you find out?” Cole beats me to answer.

“We all know, have done for a while now.”

“Someone want to fill us the fuck in here?” Hunter snaps while looking to each of us before finally settling his sights on his older brother. A whoosh of air escapes Cass as he looks to each of his brothers and runs a hand through his hair.

“Belle…isn’t our sister––.”

“Fuck you, you’re lying!”

“Bullshit, asshole.” Blake and Hunter both start shouting at the same time. I actually feel bad for both of them, I had no idea they didn’t know about Belle.

“She will always be our sister whether we share DNA or not but it’s true.” Hunter shoves Cass back a step and growls right in his face, I admit Cass has way more restraint and control over his wolf than I would have thought, Bex would have laid Hunter out by now.

“How long?” Cass quirks a brow in confusion.


“How fucking long have you known about Belle, and don’t you dare fucking lie to me!” Cass tears his gaze from Hunter to stare at Blake, I can see how tense he is and how much he hates this situation. Fuck him, that fucker deserves to sweat.

“Since the day we left to come here.” Blake laughs but there’s no humor to it.

“That’s why dad spoke to you privately before we left?” Cass nods. “Here Hunt and I were thinking that you and dad were hatching an escape plan, instead you two were having a good old chat about our sister and never once thought to include us!” Blake is shouting, rage rolling off him in thick waves, it’s so potent that I can taste his anger on my tongue.

“I didn’t fucking have a chance to tell either of you––.” Cass is cut off when Hunter lands a right hook to his jaw, he stumbles back a step and Hunter tries to launch at him again, but Z and Cole are there to pull him back.

“You fucking bastard! You stay the fuck away from our sister, as far as I’m concerned, you and dad can both go to fucking hell!” Cass drops his gaze to the floor and grinds his teeth.

“Hunter stop!” I snap my gaze down to the beauty in my lap, her eyes are open, but I can see the strain on her forehead, she’s in pain. I help her sit up but when she tries to scoot away from me, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and haul into my side, she stiffens and turns to glare at me. I furrow my brow in confusion when the corner of her lip lifts in a snarl.

“Easy there tiger, I have bigger teeth than you.” Clearly, she isn’t in a joking mood, her eyes narrow to slits and tension begins to coil inside me. My mouth drops the fuck open when she smacks my hand away and throws her leg over my lap and straddles me. I hear gasps around the room, but my eyes are stuck on Belle, I’m smart enough to know that she isn’t sitting on me because she wants me, she’s up to something. She runs her hands along my abs and then up my chest, her tiny fingers splay over my pecs before trailing over my face and through my hair, she grips the strands and then tugs until my neck is tilted and I’m staring straight into her eyes.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal