Page 30 of Savage Beast

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“Back down, speak your truth and stand your ground, never back down Gabrielle.”


“Answer my question first and then I’ll decide if I’ll answer yours.”

“Honestly, I didn’t even know I was doing it until it was too late. I have never pulled someone to me before from a vision, I knew he was getting closer and closer every vision I had but I didn’t realize I was showing him the way to me until it was too late.” Sky smiles knowingly which throws me. “Why are you smiling like that?”

“It wasn’t your visions pulling him to you Belle.”

“What do you mean?” She turns and looks at Bexley, I do the same and furrow my brow in confusion.

“He has to be the one to explain it to you.” I groan as I tear my gaze from the wolf and focus back on her.

“He made his point earlier, why am I out here Sky, and please don’t lie to me.”

“You’re out here because Cairo did something that pushed Bex too far and he took control.”

“What’s your point?” Her gaze spears me and I fight my urge to back away.

“Bex has never stolen control from Cairo like that before, whatever happened between the two of you caused a rift between man and beast.” I throw my hands up in frustration.

“I’m over this bullshit, I came here to save your life Sky, not for Cairo or his freaking wolf. A part of me felt drawn to him from the moment I saw him in my visions––.” I contemplate lying but decide to go with the truth, enough lies have already been told. “I’ve been having visions of Cairo for months, even before he realized I was calling for him.”

“We know, that’s how we found you.” I shake my head.

“I saw the battle that was fought here, I know you all fled to an island––.” I’m cut off when the wolf shifts back to man and Cairo stands there naked and puffing, with his fists clenched at his sides. Sky moves subtly till she is standing slightly in front of me, any normal human would have missed that move but not the greatly feared Cairo Cruz, he sees everything.

“Why did you send that letter?” There isn’t anger or malice in his tone, I make sure to keep my eyes on his as I answer, so they don’t stray down…south.

“Because I knew that man Jacob and your council were coming after an innocent child––.”

“Bullshit!” I flinch, he moves toward us, and Sky shifts to fully block me, he stands before us glaring.

“Cairo––.” He snaps his eyes to Sky and growls.

“You wanted me to talk and try this shit out, here I am Skylar, the fuck more do you want?”

“For you to stop self-sabotaging, my fate isn’t on you! I’m fucking tired of having this conversation with you, grow some fucking balls and man up for Christ’s sake, I am going to die Cairo, you need to face that fact!” I feel like I’m intruding on a private moment.

“The fuck you are! I told you I figured out a way to stop that from happening.” Cairo screams at her; Sky throws her hands up in the air in frustration.

Chapter sixteen


Mychestisheavingand I’m vibrating with unbridled rage, I clench and unclench my fists at my sides. I don’t fucking do feelings and thanks to Sky being the pushy bitch that she is and making me face them I feel unhinged, Bexley forced a shift on me and stole control just to hunt down the nuisance that Sky now shields from me. I keep my glare on Sky while I ask her one last time for the truth, if she lies to me, she will learn really quick how far my temper will go.

“Why. Did. You. Send. That. Letter?” To my utter surprise she steps out from behind Sky and moves to stand in front of me, I search her gaze trying to gauge her next move. Gabrielle Wilder can’t hide her emotions for shit, every thought and feeling is displayed across her face and if you miss it, you sure as shit can find it in her eyes.

“I learnt a long time ago not to interfere with my visions, no matter how many deaths I tried to stop, fate would always find a way to claim their pound of flesh. I made Cass drive out to meet that man and give him the letter because––.” Sadness clouds her eyes as she turns to peer over her shoulder at Sky and then back to me. “I saw Sky lose control of her…energy?” Sky snickers as a blush coats Belle’s cheeks, she has no idea what Sky really is.

“So, you tried to save me?” Belle doesn’t take her eyes off me as answers.

“Yes and No. By sending you that note, I not only stopped you from losing control, I also stopped you from––.” Unease creeps up my spine as a strange look contorts her features. “Killing Cairo.” I stumble back a step, my eyes darting to Sky, her gaze is firmly fixated on the back of Belle’s head. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know how to tell you earlier, I know it sounds cliché but there wasn’t exactly a right moment for me, to you know, tell you.” I turn my gaze to Sky.

“Can you give us a moment.” I can tell she wants to fight me on this, I narrow my eyes in warning. “It wasn’t a question Skylar.” She darts her gaze to Belle who gives her a small smile and nod, Sky shoulder checks me on her way past, I grit my teeth to stop myself from lashing out at her.

“She cares for you deeply, that’s why––.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal