Page 29 of Savage Beast

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“You don’t need to love me to fuck me.”

“Oh please, you think because you’re good looking I would fuck you?”

“Sayfuckone more time.”

“You’re not my father––.”

“You don’t even know who your fucking father is!” I stumble back a step; his eyes widen in surprise that those words flew from his mouth.

“W-what does that mean?”

“Cairo!” We don’t take our eyes off each other as we hear the others approach, I can see it in his eyes that there is more that he’s not telling me. Our staring is broken when Jess slams into her brother, he shakes his head and wraps his arms around his sister. I look around the porch and see Cairo’s pack and loved ones are here, I spot my brothers on the lawn and quietly sneak around everyone to head toward them. Blake spots me first and gives me a reassuring smile, I nod my head for them to follow me, I don’t stop until we are far enough away from Cairo and the others that they can’t hear.

“What’s up Belle?” I try to muster the courage that I will need to answer Hunter’s question, but a lump begins to form in my throat when I run my gaze over each of my brothers. Cairo has to be lying, I know I don’t look like my brothers but that’s because I follow my mom’s side of the family.

But you can’t shift.

I try to silence the voice inside me, but it won’t shut up, tears begin to build behind my eyes and I try to stop them from falling but I fail. As soon as Hunter spots my tears, he wraps his arms around me and hauls me against his chest resting his chin atop my head.

“What’s wrong Belle, did something happen?” I hear the worry in Cass’s voice, but I still can’t get the words out. What happens if they are true? My whole life will change, and I don’t think I would be able to handle that, I already feel like a freak without being an orphan to add to the list. “Belle?” Hunter pulls back and I wipe my nose with the back of my hand as I meet Cass’s gaze.

“I’m sorry, Cairo just said something that upset me and––.” I clamp my mouth closed when Cass’s eyes narrow, Blake goes ridged and Hunter growls. I turn around to find… Cairo prowling toward us, except he’s in wolf form with Sky beside him, an irrational sense of jealousy courses through me when she runs her hand through his coat.

“For God’s sake! We weren’t running, didn’t we earn some form of trust from you people by helping you look for him!” Blake snaps while pointing at Cairo, when the wolf’s eyes meet mine, I move back a step, Hunter wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. The wolf growls and beings to snap its jaws, I’ve seen this wolf so many times in my visions but seeing him now while I’m conscious is different, he seems different, in my visions he is always fighting and searching for something.

“Bexley wishes to speak to Belle.” My eyes widen in fear, I turn to meet each of my brothers’ gazes and give a subtle shake of my head. I know shifters share the same body but have separate souls, rationally I know this but right now after what Cairo just said I don’t want to be alone with any part of him.

“That’s not going to happen.” Blakes voice holds authority, and it makes me proud.

“It is and it will, allow Bex to meet with her and trust me when I tell you things will change.” She meets my gaze and I feel like she is imploring me to try and read between the lines somehow.

“How am I supposed to talk to him if… you know.” I gesture to the black and white wolf wildly.

“You’ll be surprised Belle, trust Bex––.” I scoff and roll my eyes.

“Trust is earnt not given, you may trust the bloody wolf and its human counterpart, but I don’t.” Sky scoffs and gives me a look that has me glaring back.

“You allow everyone to believe you are meek and came here because you were forced, but that isn’t the case is it Gabrielle?” I stiffen and try to mask it, but she notices and smirks. “My hunches are never wrong.”

“What hunch?”

“I see your sister doesn’t tell you everything Cassius.” Cass attempts to step forward, but I grip his arm and he allows me to pull him back.

“Your hunch may be right, but you don’t know everything Skylar, I’ll stay here with the wolf but not alone.”

“Your brothers––.” I raise my hand stopping her.

“You can stay but I refuse to be alone with him.” My brothers moan and groan, but I refuse to let them tell me what to do.

Sky and I walk side by side with Bexley trailing behind us, my brothers are pissed at me, but I have to do this.

“Why didn’t you tell them you called Cairo to you?” A whoosh of air escapes me.

“Why didn’t you tell everyone you’re not a Shifter?” Sky stops walking, I do the same and meet her gaze. It takes everything inside me not to cower under the pressure of her stare, this woman is a warrior and a badass, I have to stop antagonizing her.

“Don’t do that.”

“Do what?”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal