Page 26 of Savage Beast

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“I can’t be led Sky.”

“No, but you can be beaten, so do not underestimate him Ro, or it will be your downfall. Attack his left flank and put him down quick, if he gains momentum, he will plow through you.” Bex growls but Sky ignores him as she makes her way back to her mate, I pull my gaze from them as Callie leans in for a kiss. Seeing that has anger coursing through me, I have to let that shit go and move the fuck on. I roll my shoulders and crack my neck side to side as I push my boxers down, I spot her between her brothers and fight the smile that wants to break free when I notice she has averted her gaze, so she doesn’t see my cock. The shift happens instantly, I love the feeling of my muscles stretching and tearing as they reform, I don’t even bat an eye at my bones snapping. Shifting now takes less than two seconds, I shiver as all my senses switch onto full alert, sights, smells and sound are all fully heightened. I move toward the center of the circle which my pack has formed and freeze, I snap my gaze up and stare.


I know.

This can’t be!

How can it be?

I don’t fucking know! This shouldn’t be happening Bexley, something isn’t right.

Once our gazes lock, I feel it deep inside of me and irrational anger burns through my veins, I release a loud long growl in warning.Get us the fuck out of here now Bex!

That would mean––.

I don’t give a fuck what it means, I said now!

You will regret this Cairo.

I will regret nothing, now go!

Bex meets the eyes of Cassius’s wolf and growls before turning and running, he snaps his jaws at the bystanders, and they stumble out of the way. I ignore the shouts for us to come back, I don’t stop knowing that they will shift and follow me, if I do, it will all catch up with me and I…I just can’t deal with that right now.

I don’t know how I ended up here, I retreated inside myself until Bex forced us to shift, I stand here in the clearing naked and spin in a slow circle. Out of all the places to run and escape to, he chose here, why?


This is the last place you felt any real emotion.I scoff.

Bullshit, I have felt plenty.

No, you haven’t, you let yourself and others think you have, but this was the last time you truly felt bone deep emotion.


All those years ago when Jess was at the mercy of Creed and the council, you were scared. You didn’t know how you would take them down if it came to it, you knew she would have to do it in order for you to save your sister.

I think back to that day and sigh, he’s right. I would have asked Sky to do it even knowing what the outcome would have been, does that make me a shitty person? I spot a fallen tree and decide to park my ass on it while I figure out what the fuck I am going to do from here. Everything has turned to shit, all of my planning and scouting just fucking went up in smoke hours ago, did she know?

I don’t know.

How is this even possible Bex?

I don’t know, she can’t shift and isn’t one of us.

I know!

Then you need to figure out why this has happened.


Ask them, and maybe it’s time to tell her the truth before it’s––.

Bex is cut off when the sound of a twig snaps, I’m on my feet within seconds and shifting. I scent the air and turn ridged when the stench of rotting flesh assaults my nose.


Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal