Page 27 of Savage Beast

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The scent is coming from the left Bex.

Bexley turns so our back is to the tree in case of an ambush, I strain my hearing to try and pick up on any other sounds but find none. The sound of footfalls and the stench of death is getting closer, my hackles raise as I crouch low and wait for the source of the stench to reveal itself. A second later a figure emerges, a man wearing a black trench coat, black dress pants and white button up shirt. He’s tall and has the build of a NFL player, no stubble coats his jaw, he has a square chin, straight nose that fits his face perfectly, dark brown eyes that almost seem black, and shaggy black hair that is slicked back on top of his head. I growl out a waring and the fucker smirks before moving toward the middle of the clearing, I turn with him making sure to keep my back to the tree. As if he doesn’t sense the danger he is in, he turns in a slow circle taking in his surroundings, then runs his gaze over Bex.

“My oh my, out here all alone with no one to defend you. Here I thought getting to you would be a lot harder than this, you made it too easy Mr. Cruz.” I tense, if he knows who I am then that means only one thing.

He’s Alexander, the only living original vampire on Earth.

“You can shift back Mr. Cruz; you have my word that I did not come here to harm you. I only wish to speak with you, and then I will be on my way.” I growl at the fucker; he meets my unflinching gaze and holds it as he says. “You have my word…alpha.” Call me stupid but I can hear the truth ringing out in his words.

It’s too risky Cairo.

What choice do we have Bex?

We don’t shift, we are weak on two legs.

I need to know what he wants Bex.

Bex relents control and I shift back; I stand before him bare. He keeps his gaze on mine as he shrugs out of his coat and throws it at me, I breathe through my mouth or risk gagging at the stench of rotting flesh. Not wanting my cock out for this talk I slip the coat on and fasten it before meeting his gaze once more.

“I assume you’re Alexander?”

“I am.”

“Why are you here?” His eyes crinkle on the sides, his face takes on a hard edge.

“I came for my daughter; I hear she is in your care?”

Well fuck me, that wasn’t what I expected.

Chapter fifteen


Iwatchashiswolf runs from the makeshift circle with my mouth agape, what the hell is going on? Everyone shouts for him to come back, some chase on two legs while others strip down and shift to chase after their alpha. Once he hits the woods and I can no longer see his black and white wolf with the piercing onyx eyes I turn toward Sky, I shudder when I find her gaze already on me. Her mate and her twin move toward Creed, but her gaze still remains on me, the look she gives me has dread pooling in my belly. The sound of bones breaking shakes me out of my stare off with Sky, Hunter hands Cass his basketball shorts as I look anywhere except at my brother’s nakedness.

“The fuck just happened?”

“No idea Blake, Cairo Cruz isn’t known to run from a fight ever.” The worry in Cass’s tone has me on edge, my brothers may be rash and think with their fists more often than their heads, but they are noble. Cass winning an alpha challenge like this is a blow he won’t accept, he spins on his heel and heads toward Sky, Cairo’s beta. Blake, Hunter and I follow after our oldest brother. “The fuck was that?” I move to stand beside Cass, Sky doesn’t look threatened or intimidated by the three giant men breathing down at her. I spy Callie, Cole and Creed out the corner of my eye moving toward us, they form a barrier around Sky in show of their silent support.

“You forget whom you are speaking to.”

“I forget nothing, he just ran, so that makes meyouralpha––.” Faster than I can blink Sky has pulled a dagger from God-knows-where and has it against Cass’s throat, my brothers try to move in but when she snaps her gaze to them, they freeze. I can see Cass’s Adam’s apple bobbing against the tip of the blade and I panic when I see a drop of blood trickle down his neck.

“Say it again…I dare you.” The threat is clear as day in her tone, Blake and Hunter are tense and darting their gazes around trying to figure out a way to get our brother out of this mess, but they won’t find one. We are amongst Cairo and Creed’s pack, who of course, would be loyal to Cairo being that he is family.

“Babe, put the knife down and use your words like we discussed.” Callie speaks as if she is talking to a scared animal, these two are polar opposites and I would never have guessed they were mates if I hadn’t seen it in a vision. Sky is all badass and rocks leather kind of chick, while Callie is a girly girl who loves skirts and make up, but somehow, they…work.

“You didn’t win shit, something happened, and I will get to the bottom of it, but mark my words. You. Are. Not. Alpha.” Sky drops her arm back to her side and storms off toward the vehicles, Callie gives us an apologetic smile before turning and chasing after her mate.

“You wanna tell me what the hell that was all about?” I jerk back in surprise to find Creed is accusing me.

“I-I had nothing to do with…whatever the hell just happened.” I snap, flailing my arms around, to my surprise Cass moves to stand directly in front of Creed meeting his gaze.

“I don’t know what happened or why, but I give you my word that my family and I will help you locate Cairo and get to the bottom of this.”

What the hell?

“Why would you help us?” Cass straightens to his full height.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal