Page 25 of Savage Beast

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“About what Z?”

“Bodie and the pack went on a run––.” I growl in annoyance.

“I’m aware, I’ll debrief with him shortly.” Zeke growls and jumps in front of me, I grind to a stop, so I don’t plow into him. I grit my teeth and glare at the bastard, he has some balls to pull a move like that. I still don’t trust him fully after what he did.

“Bodie picked up a scent.” The fucker quirks his brow prompting me to ask him, he’ll pay for this later.


“Vamps, but he also picked up a shifters with it.” I scrunch my face in confusion.

“That bitch sent someone ahead––.” I cut myself off when Z begins to shake his head, I feel Sky press up beside me. “It’s not Davina’s people, is it?” Z shakes his head.

“Bodie said one of the others recognized the scent, belonged to Jacob daughters, Kayla.”Shit!

“Does my sister know?”

“Nah, I told Bodie to keep it quiet till I had a chance to speak with you.” It clicks then.

“That’s why you and Sky were out here?” He shrugs his shoulders.

“Perfect timing on your part then, now let’s get back and figure out what the fuck is going on.”

Dread begins to pool inside me as we make our way back, if it isn’t one of Davina’s vamps then that can only mean––Alexander is here and come for Belle.

After the three of us finish talking with Bodie we make our way back to my sister’s house, now is the perfect time to speak with Belle’s brothers while everyone else is out and it’s only the Wilders home. My chat with Bodie was as helpful as a clit on a dick, he only confirmed what I already knew. I can feel the tension radiating between the three of us, none of us know anything about this Alexander and I don’t cope well with the unknown. I hate situations where I have to go in blind hence why I made sure to research Belle and scope out her pack for days before I even made my move. I will never put my pack in a situation where I know we cannot get out of, it’s my job as their…alpha. I never wanted to be alpha or to lead but I had no choice after what Sky and I did, Bex wouldn’t allow me to stay hidden after that.

As soon as we enter the house I spot the four Wilder siblings in the lounge room, their conversation stops upon our arrival and we’re met with angry glares from the three boys, Belle won’t meet my stare and it pisses me off. I can tell her brothers have said something to cause her to retreat inside herself again.

I thought you didn’t care about her?

Fuck off, Bexley!

I slam the link closed between us and grit my teeth, it’s great being a shifter except for times like this when your wolf is being a bitch!

“My sister will not be your puppet any longer.” I meet Cass’s stare and laugh, there is no humor to it, and it comes out rough and course thanks to Bex rising up and breaking through my barrier. I feel my vision shift to his and zero in on Cass, he rises to his feet slowly and holds my gaze.

Big mistake, asshole.

“I accept your challenge, Cassius.” Chaos breaks out, Hunter and Blake are on their feet and shouting, Sky and Zeke push forward as the three Wilder brothers’ step around the couches toward us. Excitement thrums through me at the prospect of a challenge, Cassius knew what he was doing when he decided to hold eye contact with me, and I relish in his stupidity. It’s been a hot minute since I have been challenged, Bex is preening inside me ready to roll at a moment’s notice. When they are two feet from us, I meet Cass’s gaze and smirk, he growls and clenches his fists at his side I see the flicker in his eyes and know his wolf is right there below the surface. Hunter places a hand on Cass’s chest stopping his movements.

“Cass, this is not a good idea brother.” Cass ignores his brother’s plea and smacks his hand away as he meets my gaze.

“I’m ready now,whenI win, we leave here immediately, and you never come near my family againormy sister.” I smirk and allow Bex to speak through me.

“Deal.” My voice is thick with warning, there is no way he will win, I’m not being cocky, I’m just keeping it real. No one, not even Credence-fucking-Reeves has ever beaten Bex. Bexley isn’t like most wolves; he has no urge to submit or control, he just wants to excerpt his dominance over other wolves and that is all thanks to Sky.

I yank my shirt over my head and pop the button on my jeans, I can feel Creed’s glare in the back of my head but ignore him as I quickly undress.

“She is going to flip her shit Ro––.”

“Fuck off Creed, he challenged me, and I accepted, end of story.” He’s just got his panties in a bunch because my sister is pissy, the alpha challenge will take place on Jacob’s old pack land, as mine and my sisters wolves can’t be near each other. Sheba is a dominant mother fucker and Bex won’t let her get one up on him so it’s easier to keep them apart, Creed is only here because she made him come. I grip the waistband of my boxers but freeze when I feel Sky beside me, I turn to her, but her gaze is focused on my opponent.

“He favors his left, must have done his ACL, so his hind leg is the best bet to take him down quick.” She tears her eyes from Cass and looks up to me, unease shines in her eyes.

“What’s that look for?”

“He’s not as weak as you think he is Cairo; I saw him and his brothers run the other night, and I observed his wolf, they follow him naturally and their wolves bow to him with no hesitation, even Bodie and Z felt the alpha within him.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal