Page 21 of Savage Beast

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“From the day I freed you of being led a part of me has lived inside you, you are the only one who will be able to get near me when the time comes.” I snap, I stalk toward her and clasp her face between my hands. She holds my gaze and the pleading look she gives me breaks my heart.

“You are the only woman I have ever loved Sky––.”

“Ro, please don’t.”

“I need to get this out, please let me?” She sighs and nods her head stiffly. “I know you don’t love me the way I love you.” I see sadness and guilt cloud her vision and I hate myself for putting that look in her eyes.

“I do love you Ro.” I smile sadly and brush my thumbs across her cheeks.

“I know you do darling, just not the way I want. I will find a way to stop the surge Sky, I swear I won’t rest until I do.” She shakes her head and pulls my hands from her face; she holds them tight as she says.

“Don’t put your life on hold for me, I want to enjoy the time I have left with you and Callie. You may not be able to see it or even feel it yet, but that girl back there, she isn’t your enemy Ro, she knows a lot more than you give her credit for.”

“Are you seriously trying to push me away and force me to go after Belle?” She sighs and rolls her eyes, a smile tugs at her lips.

“I’m not forcing you to do anything, I know you Cairo Cruz and I can see the way you track her every movement; do you know you subconsciously gravitate toward her?” It’s my turn to scoff, she chuckles. “Well let’s just blame it on Bex then, huh?”

“She isn’t my mate Sky, she can’t be, she isn’t a shifter.” She huffs out a frustrated breath.

“And neither am I Ro, what you feel for me is gratitude, not love, you love the idea of me and you because you view me as your equal. I’m not the girl you want to wake up next to every morning and make love to every night.”

“You didn’t complain about me fucking you years ago!” Sky flinches and I cringe, that was a low blow and I know it. Sky and I slept together a few times years ago, she put a stop it when she figured out that she wasn’t being true to herself and her wants. It gutted me, but I respect her too much to be salty, she always made jokes about me turning her off men.

“That was then, and this is now.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that. I know you love Callie, and I will never do anything to hurt either of you, just please don’t give up the fight. Give me some time to get the answers we need from Belle.”

“She can’t stop it Ro, the others will figure out that she isn’t here to help find the council.” My eyes widen in shock. “Yes, I know you Cairo and I know the council doesn’t mean shit to you. They were just a cover so no one suspected why you wanted the seer, what you didn’t think about though is bringing her here to your sisters pack, means Alexander will follow her here, in turn Davina and her vamps will come to.”


“Yeah, didn’t think this plan of yours through properly did ya?” I glare at the smartass.

“What do you suggest then old wise one?”

“That you be honest with the others, tell them why Belle is really here, I have to prepare Callie, she has a right to know that I am going to break her heart.” I can feel the tears building behind my eyes, just the thought of never having Sky by my side or even losing her is unthinkable “I love her Ro; she constantly asks questions; and I am tired of deflecting them because of a promise I made to you when we were kids.” I can hear the watery tone of her voice and it makes me feel like shit under her boot. She has been lying to the woman she loves because of me, and no one should have to do that to their significant other. Part of me wants to tell her that she is wrong and that nothing is going to happen to her, but the other part of me is scared shitless that she might be right, she may actually die, and I don’t know if I would survive losing her, my best friend…my soul mate.

Chapter thirteen


Ibarleysleptawink last night, after Cairo left, I decided to lay down. I’m so confused and angry at myself, I knew Cairo was going to be hard to get through to, but I didn’t think it would be this hard. He has built so many walls inside himself, and refuses to let anyone in, I don’t know how I am supposed to help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves, all the visions I have had of him tell me that he is in pain. I know that I am here because he needs my help with something to do with Sky, but I don’t know how my visions can help stop the carnage I have seen her cause. My visions are coming more frequent, and I know the more I have the worse off I will be, I made my brothers swear that they wouldn’t say anything. I’m worried that if Cairo finds out the truth and I can’t…perform we will be of no use to him, and he will harm my brothers. I am slowly starting to learn that whenever I tell another about a future vision, it changes. Cairo won’t understand that if I tell him, it is better for me to keep it to myself sometimes or ask my brothers for help and not…alter the future more than I already have.

My phone begins to ring, I roll over and quickly answer.


“Belle, it’s so good to hear your voice.” Tears spring to my eyes, I miss my dad so much.

“I miss you daddy.”

“And I, you my darling girl. How are you all holding up?” A whoosh of air escapes me.

“We’re…hanging in there, how are you and the pack going?” Dad chuckles.

“You four are being held captive and you’re more worried about me and the pack?” I chuckle and shake my head.

“Yeah, I guess that does sound silly, huh?” A beat of silence passes before dad sighs and asks.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal