Page 22 of Savage Beast

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“How are you allreallydoing?” I nibble on my lip debating on if I should sugar coat things or be honest, I decide honesty is the best policy.

“I’m taking longer to recover from the visions, Cass, Blake and Hunter are trying to find a way out but even if they do, he will come after us.”

“You know what he wants don’t you?” Dad knows me better than anyone.

“Yeah, it’s more…complicated than I thought. He has so many walls up and I can’t get through them to help him.” Dad splutters.

“Gabrielle what are you saying? You actually want to help this mad man? he kidnapped you and your brothers and nearly killed our pack!” I flinch at the disappointment in his voice, but I won’t lie to him.

“Dad please, something inside me is telling me that he needs my help and I…can’t walk away––.”

“You can and you will! Cass and I have been working on a plan––.”

“What?” I shriek. “I just told you he will hunt us down; I won’t risk my brothers or the packs safety just because you want me out of here.”

“As your alpha I am ordering you––.” I growl as best as I can.

“I can’t even shift so your orders don’t apply to me! I am old enough to make my own decisions and I am telling you that I will help Cairo––.”

“Oh god, you’re on first name basis with him now. He has brainwashed you Belle; can’t you see that?” A noise outside my door draws my attention and I quickly end the call and quietly hop out of bed and pad silently over to the door and wrench it open. Cairo stands there with his arms crossed over his bare chest glaring down at me, the angry look in his eyes has me stumbling back and gulping. He takes a step forward and I step back, every step he takes toward me I keep backing away until I hit the edge of the bed, again.

“W-what are you doing here?” He cocks a brow at me, but he still has that angry look in his eyes, the room feels so small now that he is in it. I wish he didn’t close the door; I could have side stepped him and escaped to the safety of the others.

“Daddydoesn’t seem too pleased with you being here with the big bad beast.” I glare at him; he does not get to look down his nose at my father.

“He is a good man and a great father; he’s just worried as any good parent would be!” An angry growl tumbles out of him, and his eyes begin to flicker between his and his wolf’s.

“Wouldn’t know beauty, my father was murdered when I was nine and my mother fucked off with the council.” I gasp, I cover my mouth with my hand. No wonder he is so angry and bitter, he has all these walls built around himself because of the pain he has endured since he was a child. I drop my hand and stare up at him, I can see it now, he uses his anger and need for vengeance to mask the pain he has suffered since a young age.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“You never asked.”

“You never gave me a chance.” I volley back.

“Touché, I don’t want your pity beauty, I need your skillset and I need it now. We don’t have a lot of time left before the calvary arrives.”

“The what?” He runs a hand through his hair and sighs, I can see some of the tension ease from his shoulders.

“You’ll meet them soon enough; all you have to know is that…Fuck.” He spins around and heads toward the door, I sit here confused as hell. He pulls the door open and then peers back at me over his shoulder and says. “Get dressed, you and I are going for a stroll.”

The tension between me and Cairo is palpable, we walk side by side through the woods that surrounds Jess’s pack lands. My brothers weren’t happy to be staying behind, they made threats and told Cairo if I wasn’t back by lunch, they will hunt me down, it goes without saying that Cairo didn’t even bat an eye at them. We have been trekking through the dense brush of the forest for what feels like forever, I chose the wrong shoes to wear that is for sure, Jordan’s are not made for hikes. I’m wearing cut offs and a teal crop top, the humidity is stifling, I sniff the air and I can smell that it’s going to rain, I love rainy days, nothing beats curling up reading a book with the sound of rainfall in the background.

“You’re right you know.” I peek over at him and find that his face is scrunched up like he is bothered about something, but he doesn’t slow his pace, I turn away from him as I answer.

“About what?”

“If you fled with your brothers, I would hunt you down, andwhenI caught you, I wouldn’t be as hospitable next time.” I splutter.

“You’re not exactly warm and welcomingthistime!” I stumble and come to a halt at the sound of his laughter, Cairo doesn’t strike me as the type of man to just giveaway smiles or laugh freely, so to see him laugh is like the sun coming out on a rainy day. His laughter stops a few seconds later, his gaze lands on me and a strange look contorts his face.

“Why are you smiling at me like that?” I shake my head to clear my thoughts before I answer.

“You don’t seem like you laugh often enough.”

“Coming from the girl who lives inside 24/7?”

“I don’t have a choice, but you do. Life is plenty hard Cairo; you don’t need to make it any harder.” His eyes widen slightly as if my words have actually registered for the first time.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal