Page 20 of Savage Beast

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“They will come to you.”

“What?” Her eyes meet mine and I can see so much regret in them, it astounds me. How can she give methatlook when she knows nothing about me?

“You can’t save her, Cairo.” I snap, I have my hand around her throat and her slammed against the wall within a second. I crowd her space, we are nearly nose to nose, I release a growl right in her face. She doesn’t flinch or cower in fear, she just looks at me with pity, that look fucks me off more than if she spoke the words again.

“You know fucking nothing––.”

“No matter how many times you say that, it won’t make it true, you brought me here because of what I can see. Trust in that and know that I am not saying this to hurt you, but to prepare you for what is to come.” I search her gaze for any mistruth but find none, I release my hold on her neck and move back. She doesn’t reach up to grab her throat or even acknowledge the position I just had her in, she squares her shoulders and stands tall, the silence stretches between us, but I refuse to be the one to break it. I release a long sigh and run my hand through my hair, this woman frustrates me, but she is also so alluring and the fact that she doesn’t drop to her knees and worship me because of the rumors that have circulated about me over the years has me wanting to know…why she is different to the others. I head over to the bed and take a seat on the edge resting my elbows on the tops of my thighs, I hunch forward and get lost in my own head for a long time before I cave and break the silence between us.

“What did you see earlier?” My voice is barely above a whisper.

“Do you really want to know?” I lift my gaze slowly to hers, the fierce look in her eyes has me tensing.


“I saw what happened to your sister and I know where your council is, also what they have planned. The man leading them is named Phillip and he is trying to find a way to take your family and the Reeves down. His hate for your father has bled over into you and your sister, I don’t know why he hated your father though.” I can see it in her eyes that there is more she has seen.

“What else?” I see the way she tenses and hear her heart rate spike; I can tell when she opens her mouth, she is going to try and deny it, so I push on. “Don’t lie to me beauty, whatever it is that you saw I…need to know.” A whoosh of air escapes her and her shoulders hunch forward slightly.

“I don’t get to pick and choose what I see, my visions are…changing.” My brows furrow in confusion.

“What do you mean?” If I wasn’t paying such close attention to her, I would have missed the look of fear in her eyes before she quickly masked it.

“You don’t need to worry about that––.”

“Tell me now or so help me––.”

“I know you’re in love with Skylar Cage.” My mouth drops open in shock as I stare at her. “I saw everything Cairo, I know you love her and I’m so sorry that she…” I block out the sound of her voice as I get lost in my own thoughts, I have never admitted shit to anyone about Sky. My pulse begins to spike, and my heart rate accelerates, I can feel Bex pushing against my ribs urging me to shift and allow him to take over so he can clear my mind and block out my emotions. I can’t take this shit; I jump to my feet and make sure she can see nothing but anger and hatred in my gaze. She knows nothing about me or what the fuck I feel, I will never allow myself to care for another person, Jess and Harlem are different they are the last family I have left. I can’t let her unravel all the work I have put in to keep myself closed off from ever feeling anything again or having someone psychoanalyze me.

“Stay the fuck away from me, you are a means to an end and that is it. You ever breathe a word of this to anyone and I’ll make all your nightmares seem like a daydream.” Her eyes widen as a gasp escapes her. “I’m not some broken toy you can fix, your job is to focus on the council and that is it, do I make myself clear?” My fists are clenched at my sides, anger is wafting off me in waves and Bexley is just below the surface I have to shift––soon.

“Message received loud and clear.”

“Good. Now, get out!”

I couldn’t stay inside the house with her, I needed to get out and shift, Bexley was restless. We have to stick to the outskirts of the property, or I risk a fight breaking out, Bexley and Sheba can’t be near each other. My sister and I both have dominant alpha wolves and having them together will end in blood shed. I’ve been out for a few hours running, hunting and just being free of all thought. Bex is simple and carefree, wolves don’t process emotions like humans, they only care about dominance, hunting and fucking. I needed to escape out of my own head and there is no better way to do that than shift, I used to spend more time as a boy in wolf form than I did on two legs. I was never cold, lonely or hungry, I may not have been old enough to survive after being cast out, but Bex was ready for it. Without him I would have died after Jacob took over my father’s pack, seeing his corpse and knowing that he was wiped from this earth was freeing, some think me sending his head to Russia was overkill but to me it was…fitting.

The death of my father haunted me for years, I wished that I was older, stronger even to fight against Jacob. I hated being weak and having to watch the horror unfold in front of me, I watched as that cunt killed my father. I vowed to myself the day I ran that I would never be weak again, I would train day and night to make sure I was the strongest. I kept that vow, to this day I have never lost a challenge, I’m not seen as weak because I had no weakness––well, until Creed brought my sister back to Rosewood. Having her around doesn’t weaken me though, her and Harlem give me a reason to fight harder to ensure their safety.

I trek back along the creeks edge, I pause and scent the air, I’ve spent most of my life away from Rosewood but coming back here and smelling the same smells I did as a child brings a calmness to me. Unlike Jess, I actually have vague memories of our father, for some reason I never picked up on Shelley being our mother. I thought she looked familiar but that’s as far as it went, I never talk about my parents but a part of me hates them for leaving us. I hate that I never got a childhood, I envy my sister for being taken away from here and getting to live her life carefree. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad one of us got to have some sort of a life away from all of this shit, but while she was out there with Aunt Kat, I was struggling to find my place. I never wanted to be an alpha but when Sky came along––everything changed. I wanted for things for the first time in my life, I didn’t want to live in the woods anymore I wanted a roof and bed, something to call my own. Sky stuck by me through everything, her and Zeke became my family, we built a home for ourselves and eventually the rogues found us and somehow, I stepped into the role of alpha without even realizing it. I didn’t want the title, but Sky reminded me that being an alpha meant I was strong, the little boy inside me jumped at the idea of a pack turning to me for their safety. The other half of me though still hates the title, I don’t think we need a leader, I believe the packs should live equally. I find my way back to the log where I left my clothes but sitting next my pile is none other than the woman who takes up too much time in my head. She runs her gaze over my wolf and smirks.

She isn’t the one, Cairo.I sigh internally, he’s right but it doesn’t make it any easier.

I know Bex, shift back so I can sort shit with her and make a plan.

Bex relinquishes control back to me and within seconds I’m back in my skin, she turns her head to give me a modicum of privacy while I pull my sweats and shirt on. I drop down on the log next to her, we both remain silent for a long time, neither of us willing to address the thing we both know will cause us to argue. I fucked up and I’m the reason there is this divide between us, I know she doesn’t feel the same way about me and that stings more than anything.

“I can feel it you know.” I turn and stare at her, she keeps her eyes facing forward as I take her in.

“Feel what, Sky?” She faces me and I can see resignation in her eyes, and it guts me to see that look.

“The power inside me is surging, ever since I healed Jess and excreted myself it’s been harder to keep under control.” A whoosh of air escapes me, she reaches over and clasps one of my hands in hers. Her touch calls to a part of me that no one else has ever been able to reach before. “You can’t change my fate, Ro, I need you to be the one to do it.” I tear my hand back and jump to my feet growling at her, she deflates but holds my gaze like the stubborn ass she is.

“I’ll never fucking do it Skylar, do you hear me?” I shout, she stands and moves toward me, I hold my ground even as she places both her hands against my chest.

“It has to be you––.” I rear backward and glare at her, her hands fall to her sides as she shakes her head in exasperation.

“I won’t do it…I-I can’t.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal