Page 45 of Brutal Truth

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“Because I was protecting your mother and son, that’s why! I made a choice, and I don’t fucking regret it. If it wasn’t for me your mother and son would be gone as well.” I stumble back a step in shock. I look to my sister who nods, confirming Davina is telling the truth.

“Why didn’t they take Harlem?” Cairo utters.

“Because I told them he was my son and the monster confirmed it when they asked. He stuck to the same story we taught him.” I hate that my son had to learn from birth that he can never be honest about who his parents are, but right now I am so fucking thankful. “Whoever they are had no idea what they were doing, almost everyone on this island knows Harlem is Jess’s son but these idiots didn’t.”

“Who were they?”

“I don’t know Cole; they all wore masks; it was their scents that gave them away.” I grind my teeth together.

“Why the hell did they take those three?” I voice allowed and I’m surprised when Davina answers me.

“Punishment, they will take Shelley and Dela back to the council where they will be punished. They took your father to lure you out, it’s a trap.” She isn’t wrong, I look to Ro and see he has his fists clenched at his sides. He may not be okay with Shelley lying and hiding all these years but at the end of the day it’s still his mother.

“We have to do a head count, figure out who is missing from both the packs and your men. We’ll find out then who betrayed us, we will also need to move because this location is now compromised.” I’m in awe of Sky right now, she sounds like an alpha in her own right.

“Agreed, then we need to look into how many numbers we have left. With Shelley and Dela gone, we can’t rely on the people she had on land to help us.” I turn to Cairo and quirk a brow, he sighs before continuing. “If they have more numbers than us then we need to reach out to the other packs.”

“The fuck would we do that for?” I grit out.

“Because some of them may feel like we do, if we can convince them to join us, we will begin to build numbers and maybe have a chance of fucking winning this war.” As much as it pains me to admit it, Cairo is right, we need numbers if we are we are going to take the fight to them.

“Who absorbs the packs?” That is the million-dollar question Colton. You see if an alpha challenges an alpha, and one dies in the battle, then the victor automatically to claims his pack.


Thirty Three


I feel like I’ve been living in a bad dream, a dream where my wolf is no longer with me. My chest aches at the thought of losing Sheba, we may not have been getting along but she is a part of me!

Beep, beep, beep.

The sound of something beeping nearby rouses me from my slumber and I regret it immediately. My whole body is aching and every breath I take burns, the pain I’m feeling is so terrible I can’t even describe it. Then it all comes back to me, it wasn’t a nightmare it actually happened me! I push those thoughts away as I try to open my eyes I manage to open my right eye halfway but my left eye is still swollen shut. I scan the area and notice I’m in an old…office but it’s been turned into a makeshift hospital room. I try to lift my head but end up gagging, that’s when I notice there is a tube shoved down my throat and begin to cough and splutter as I try to figure out how the hell to get this thing out before I choke to death.

“She’s awake!” I look to the side and see a middle-aged woman rushing toward me, she grabs my hands and pins them on the bed either of side of me. “Jess, you need to stop.” I narrow my eye at her. “The doctor is coming now to remove it, if you pull it out it can cause you harm and damage you internally.” A man comes into view and I shrink away when he raises his hand, his brow furrows but he doesn’t stop undoing the straps on this thing down my throat.

“Jess, my name is Al, and I am the doctor here on the island. Gene is going to let go now but I need you to remain still so we can remove the tube, can you do that?” Island? I furrow my brow at the doctor and the expression on my face is a clear indication of what I’m asking. “You’re back on the island Jess, you are safe, but I have to take this out now, okay?” I try to nod as best as I can, he finishes undoing whatever it is and then begins to slowly pull the tube out, I try not to gag but it’s a losing battle. As soon as he pulls the last bit of tube out the woman Gene wraps her arm around my shoulders and lifts me into a sitting position as I gag and spit all over myself, the pain in my ribs burns but I’m powerless to stop myself from gagging. The doctor hands me a plastic cup of water after I finish my gag fit, I gulp the liquid gold but wind up coughing it up everywhere. “Slow sips Jess, your throat will be raw for a few days.” I nod and attempt to swallow, when I don’t choke, I take another few sips until the cup is empty.

“Well done, Jess, I’m gonna incline your bed to a 90-degree angle so you’ll be able to lean back.” I nod my thanks to Gene as she pushes a button on the side of the bed and within seconds, I’m able to lean backward. My ribs protest the movement but its better leaning back then hunched over and putting pressure on them.

“Okay Jess, if it’s okay with you I’m gonna check you over?”

“Y-y.” I clear my throat and wince, Al smiles as he waits for me to try again. “Yeah.” I know he is about to approach me and I try to prepare myself for the examination but as soon as he raises his hand toward my face I shrink back, he drops his hand immediately and sits in the chair beside my bed.

“You have been through hell, and I empathize with you, I really do Jess. But in order for me to make sure everything is functioning I’m gonna need to touch you, I swear I’ll limit skin to skin contact as much as I can.” Gratitude fills me, tears cloud my eye as I nod for him to proceed. I sit here stiff and tense, waiting for him to begin, I jerk when I feel a hand land on top my mine and turn toward Gene, she has a warm smile on her face but I can see recognition in her eyes.

“It gets easier honey; it’ll take a while, but it will get easier to stand the touch of another.” I furrow my brow at her.

“I-I don’t understand.” I wheeze out.

“You went through a traumatic ordeal; it will take time to heal not only physically but mentally hon. Don’t push yourself, take each day as it comes.” I blink back my tears and nod my head; I clutch Gene’s hand in mine and close my eye as Al continues. Gene squeezes my hand reassuringly. “Just breath honey.” I do as she says and focus on my breathing.

In and out, in and out.

“All done.” I pop my eye open and stare at Al, the checkup didn’t even hurt. “Sorry, I meant all done with your facial check, I just need to check the cuts on your arms and legs and the binding around your ribs.” I nod my head and watch as he checks the cuts on my arms, I refuse to let Gene’s hand go as she stands there pacifying with me. When he moves to my legs I begin to tremble, I try to fight it but I’m powerless in my own body! “I only need to check from the knees down Jess.”

“O-okay.” I remain stiff and tense until he pulls the blanket back down over my legs. Al and Gene share a look of concern I can see the hesitation in her eyes.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal