Page 44 of Brutal Truth

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“Shit? What the hell do you mean shit?” Cairo barks.

“She has mass infections, and her pulse is dropping, we need to put an intubation tube in. Jackie, I need you here now.” Jackie and another lady rush in, we stand by and watch as the doctor prods her with another needle and the two nurses move toward her head, the new nurse holds her head straight while Jackie has this metal reaper looking thing in her hand and opens Jess’s mouth, that’s when I lose it.

“What the fuck are you doing?” The doctor snaps his gaze to me and then shouts.

“Dylan, Brock, I need you to remove these two immediately.” I glare at the doctor and open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, but he cuts in. “Unless you want her to die, you will get the hell out! We will do everything we can to save her, but we can’t work with you lot hanging around, now leave!” I turn to Jess and my heart breaks; her body is on full display and every inch of it is covered in bruises and cuts. When the machine starts to beep and the doctor curses, I decide to trust in them to save the love of my life. I grip his arm and spin him around ignoring the two goons he called over when they try to grab me.

“Do whatever you have to, make sure she lives, or you are the first one I come for.” I release him and shoulder check the two vamps on my way out, fuck them! I hear Cairo behind me but don’t stop, I need to occupy my mind, or I’ll go back inside and tear the docs fucking throat out. The rational part of my brain knows he is doing his job, but the other part of me that doesn’t give a fuck, wants him to work faster and tell me she will be okay, it’s the not knowing is what’s killing me.

Creed, you need to come to Davina’s now.

On my way

The urgency in Cole’s voice has me sprinting the whole way there with Cairo right beside me, he doesn’t ask questions just follows. When we get to Davina’s I see the front door is wide open and hanging off its hinges, I burst through and follow the sound of voices, we pass a living room and an office and then emerge into a sterile looking kitchen.

“Daddy!” I turn to the left and smile wide; relief washes over me when I see that my boy is unharmed. Mom puts him on his feet and he runs as fast as his little legs will carry him, I scoop him up and hold him tight. I look around and notice that it’s only Davina, mom, Cole, Callie and Sky here, my mom and my sister look like shit, and I’ll even admit that Davina looks a bit rough.

“What happened?” I ask, no one seems to want to look at me and that pisses me off. “Someone better start talking, I don’t have the patients for this shit right now!” Davina is the one to meet my gaze, I note the dried blood on her lip and how her brown hair is out of place almost like someone had pulled it.

“You were right, they attacked the night that you left.” A growl escapes me and Cairo.

“How did the council get here?”

“The council didn’t Creed.”

“The hell does that mean Davina?”

“It means that we were betrayed by our own men. People from both the packs and even some of my own men done this, they came for us––“

“They tried to take my son?” I roar, Harlem whimpers in my hold, shit! Mom rushes over and reaches out for him, I turn, and a crestfallen look over comes her features. Fuck!

“He doesn’t need to hear this son; he has already seen enough, please let me take him.” I look at mom in silence, her eyes are saying so much but I just can’t seem to let Harlem go. I begin to shake my head but stop when Cairo gently eases mom out of the way and stands in front of me.

“Hey monster, come give Ro-Ro some love my man.” Harlem wiggles in my hold trying to turn so he can go to his uncle, I glare at Cairo. “Creed, he isn’t my sister, and you clinging to him won’t change anything. Let him go with your mom so we can deal with this, then you have to shift and sort your shit out before going to see my sister.”

“Mommy! I wanna go see mommy, now!” Shit, Harlem begins to wail and struggle against my hold, Cairo reaches out and pulls him from me. He turns around and places Harlem on the countertop and bends so they are eye level.

“Monster, mommy needs to rest okay. The doctor is making mommy better––“

“I want mommy Ro-Ro!” It shatters my heart to see the tears fall down his cheeks and devastated look in his eyes. Cole moves toward them and clucks his nephew on the chin, Harlem turns watery eyes to Cole.

“Tell ya what, if you go with grandma, I bet she will make those cookies you like.”

“I don’t want it; I want my mommy.” Sobs begin to wrack Harlem’s body; I have no fucking idea what to do or say.

“I’ll make you a deal, if you go with your grandma and bake cookies and be a good boy, I’ll go see doc and ask if he will let you see your mom.” All eyes turn to Davina; even Harlem is smiling at her.

“Promise?” Davina’s features soften as she looks at my boy.

“I promise, I’ll call doc as soon as I finish talking to your dad.” Harlem nods and smiles his thanks; my mom picks him up and pats me on the chest as she leaves with my son. I know I’m not father of the year and I really am trying to learn how to care for my son, but I would be so fucking lost if I didn’t have my family and friends.

“They took Shelley, Dela and your…. father.”

“How the fuck did they get off the island?”

“It was an inside job Creed; I couldn’t stop them!”

“Why the fuck not Davina?” This is the first time I have seen any real emotion from her, I can see her anger shining as bright as the sun in her hazel eyes.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal