Page 46 of Brutal Truth

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“Jess, I have to check the binding around your ribs so for me to do that your gown has to be lifted. I can help you with that while Al steps out?” I hold her gaze for a long moment unsure if I can do this or not. I know I wasn’t raped, but a part of me knows that was the next step if I didn’t take Kayla’s advice and surrender. I take in lungful’s of air and ignore the searing pain in my ribs as I nod. I hear the door click shut when Al leaves, Gene helps me lift the gown and I pause to see the binding covers my breasts as well, Gene see’s the panic on my face. “I did the binding hon; Al doesn’t do that side of it.” A whoosh of air escapes me and I smile my thanks as she calls out to Al. He enters and I focus on my breathing as he nears, he raises his hands so I can see them, and I am grateful for that.

“Okay Jess, this might be a bit painful but please try and bear with me, you have broken ribs on both sides, and I just want to make sure that the binding is secure.”

“Okay.” I flinch when he touches the ribs on my left side, a hiss escapes me, and I bite down on my bottom lip. The door opens and a loud growl sounds out, my eyes double in size when I see a shirtless Creed standing there brimming with rage. I spot my brother and Cole behind him, and my heart starts to beat faster than normal. Creed swings his gaze to me, and his growls stop immediately, his eyes change from his wolf’s back to his normal hazel color. He moves to enter the room and I tighten my hold on Gene’s hand, fear grips me, because I know he wants to touch me, and right now I can’t handle the thought of his hands on me.

“Stop!” Everyone turns to look at Gene. “You three need to wait outside until we are finished.”

“Fuck that, she’s, my mate!” I look back to Creed and freeze, he makes his way toward me, but Al blocks his path. “Unless you want me to fuck up that pretty boy face of yours, I suggest you get the fuck out of my way!” The anger in his voice causes me to shake, I can’t take this right now.

“This is my clinic and so long as she is in my care what I say goes. Now the three of you need to leave before I have you escorted out.”

“You son of a––“Ro cuts Creed off.

“Enough, if smalls wanted us here, she would have said something. Give her some time, we’re here if you need us sis.” Al blocks my view of the guys, but my heart warms at my brothers understanding. Another growl sounds out around the room, and I know Creed is pissed.

“I’ll be back in an hour.” Then I hear him storm out and the door slam closed behind him.

“Your mate is a real…. charmer.” I snort at Al’s attempt at a joke.


Thirty Four


I pace back and forth in the stupid waiting area; it’s been two days since Jess woke up and she still refuses to see me. I brought Harlem here yesterday, but the know-it-all nurse Gene refused to allow us in because he shouldn’t see his mother in this state, I don’t care if she is right, she won’t leave Jess, which means I have had no chance of sneaking in there to see her. The doctor said if I kept threatening him or his staff, he would stop treating Jess, that earnt me a fist to the face from fucking Cairo. Cole has been riding my ass as well about giving her space and being the fucking alpha. I know my pack needs me, but so does Jess, half my pack was injured in the chaos that erupted on the island. Thankfully everyone from my pack lived, but Davina’s guys weren’t as lucky, she lost at least twelve. We managed to learn from some of the others that four boats came with wolves, Davina is trying to locate another residence for us to reside, but it is proving harder than she thought.

I stop my pacing at the sound of a door opening and wait with bated breath, I fight back a growl when I see Gene. She narrows her eyes at me and shakes her head as she approaches, she motions for me to follow her over to the waiting room chairs and sits down. I want information on Jess, so I do as she says and sit down.

“You need to give her time.” I glare at the woman.

“I need to see her; my wolf won’t rest until we can be with her.”

“She isn’t ready for you yet Creed––“

“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” She rolls her eyes and takes a steadying breath as if I’m a pain in her ass which just pisses me off. Corbin protests at this woman is acting like she has a right to look down her nose at me.

“She went through something that no person should ever have to endure, she has PTSD and is plagued by nightmares.” My chest constricts, Corbin growls in my mind. “She needs time to heal, at this very moment the thought of someone touching her scares the living daylights out of her. I’m not trying to keep you from her, she has requested that Al and I keep everyone away. You have to respect her wishes, if you go barging in there you will set her back. She will call for you when she’s ready, let her deal with this how she sees fit.” I hear everything she is saying and as much as I want to ignore it and give into Corbin’s demands about storming in that room and taking our mate, I can’t. I sigh and drop my head into my hands, how did things get so fucked up? I never wanted any of this, all I wanted was to unite the two packs and live my life. Finding out Jess is my mate was a shock, but I don’t regret it and I don’t for a second regret my son, but when is it time for us to finally live freely and not have to go through anymore fighting. I snap out of my thoughts when I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see Gene smiling at me sadly. “Can I give you some advice?” I nod my head jerkily. “Distract yourself, go be an alpha and a dad. I promise you I will look after her.”

“Thank you.” Gene pats my shoulder and stands to head back to Jess, but I call out to her, she turns to me. “Can you tell her…I love her and…I’m sorry this happened.” She nods and continues on her way. She’s right, I need to deal with my pack and help Davina find somewhere safe for us to move.

I summon for my wolves to meet me at the beach, I stand here and stare at all of them in front of me. They all wear looks of fear and anger, I don’t blame them, I have let them down time and time again since Jess went missing five years ago. I have to make this right, I spot my mom and the twins at the back, mom smiles reassuringly at me. I left Harlem with Cairo; I didn’t want him here in case the pack decided to turn on me. I clear my throat a couple of times hoping for their attention, but when that fails, I open the mind link to my pack.

Enough!Silence descends as they all stare at me, I scan each and every one of them. My heart aches when I see for the first time how many members we have lost, some of my pack fled with the traitors and now only thirty or so of us remain. Cairo has about eighty wolves with him, I think last he checked, but it isn’t enough for us to take out the whole shifter population if the council decides to call for war.

“I know shit has been bad, I’m trying to fix it––“

“Bullshit, all you have done is chase your mates’ tail. You abandoned us Creed!” I turn to Chris; he is one of the older shifters in our pack. He may be right, but I am the alpha, and I cannot let that slide.

“If you think you can do a better job, then challenge me!” Gasps and murmurs break out, I spy my brother out of the corner of my eye making his way toward me. I quirk a brow at Chris taunting him, I have so much pent-up rage inside me I will welcome his challenge. When he doesn’t respond I release an impatient growl, Corbin is bristling inside me and demanding that I shift and put my pack in their place but all he will do is scare them and I don’t want to bethatalpha who rules in fear rather than respect. Chris drops his gaze and then reluctantly bows his head in a show of submission, as do the others. I take a deep breath and square my shoulders; my pack is in dire need of me to lead. “My mate has been through hell, and I will continue to be there for her, but I want you all to know that from this day forth the pack will not suffer because of my lack of attention.”

“Alpha, may I speak freely?” I nod my head to one of the women to speak up. “Is it true that your mate is the true alpha to both packs?” I bristle at her words, but I can’t deny that she speaks the truth.

“Yes, Jess is the rightful alpha to both the Reeves and the Michaelson packs. When and if my mate is ready to take over, I will guide her and help her to be the best alpha she––“I stop speaking as murmurs break out and glare when I see that none of the pack are even looking at me, I turn and follow their gaze, my mouth drops open in shock. Jess is walking––limping toward us with Cairo, Zeke and Sky forming a sort of blockage around her. It takes everything inside me not to run to her and whisk her away so I can check her over myself, but the look on her face tells me it would only set her back further. I may not like Gene but looking at Jess right now tells me everything she had said is right, Jess needs to do this on her own and I can’t be the one to fix this for her. I wish I was able to take all her pain and suffering away, the four of them stop within a few feet between us, Cairo steps back and stands beside his sister, keeping a foot of space between them, Sky and Zeke do the same on her other side. The murmurs stop and everyone stands there and stares at Jess with wide eyes, bruises still mar her beautiful face, the short sleeve shirt she wears displays the bruises on her arms, her face is littered with cuts and bruises as well but at least her other eye is open slightly now. I run my gaze down her body, but her lower half is covered by jeans, she trembles as she takes each breath which tells me her ribs are hurting.

Corbin, why isn’t she healing?

I…I can’t sense Sheba

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal