Page 43 of Brutal Truth

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“Siphon me now.”

“Cairo, no.”

“I saidnow.” Sky slowly lifts her head and slouches back against the seat and stares at Ro. “Sky, you exerted yourself, now take it from me.” I can’t help but stare at the pair of them, Sky searches Ro’s gaze for what I’m not sure, but whatever she sees has her nodding her head. She leans forward to clasp Ro’s face between her hands and speaks.

“This is the last time, I mean it.” Ro nods, and what happens next is not what I fucking expected. Sky smashes her lips against Ro’s and…. kisses him! I meet Cole’s gaze in the mirror and see he is just as fucking shocked as I am. I expected them to stop after a minute but when they don’t I clear my throat a couple times to give them the fucking hint to stop! When they finally do, they both break apart as if something shocked them, both panting and breathing hard. Ro turns around and stares out his window, Sky does the same and the tension in the car soars to new heights. I don’t have the emotional capacity to deal with what just happened so instead I focus on Jess; I reach down to cup her face in my hand. I try to feel for our mate bond, but I can’t locate it, it’s like it’s not even there anymore.

We reach the docs before the others, we only stopped for fuel and that was it. I tried to get Jess to drink some water, but each time I tried she either spat it out or choked. I fucking hate this, nothing I seem to do helps her, I only seem to make shit worse. She choked and coughed that hard it caused her nose to bleed, she hasn’t stirred or even muttered a single word!


Thirty One


I can feel his body heat.

I hear his voice.

I hear his heartbeat against my ear.

But I’m so exhausted, my eyes refuse to open, and I can’t seem to get my voice to work. I keep drifting in and out of consciousness, when I feel the darkness coming to claim me again, I let it, but before I fall into a dreamless slumber, I hear him whisper.

“Come back to me princess, I can’t live without you please fight baby, our son needs his mother.”


Thirty Two


I can see the cargo ship in the distance and sigh in relief, we didn’t wait for the others. Cairo mind linked Zeke and told him we will meet him on the island. Jess hasn’t moved or even stirred; Cole has pushed the boat to its limit. Instead of it taking us three days, its only taken us two and bit to get back. Jess is so dehydrated and needs to be on an IV stat, we have tried to get fluids into her, but she won’t take it. The stench of rotting flesh assaults me as we draw near the cargo ship, and I quickly change to breathing through my mouth. As we approach the island, I notice guards lining the shore and my hackles start to rise. Cole docks the boat and Ro quickly jumps out to tie us off, but before we leave the boat Sky blocks our exit. She pins Cole and I both with a stern look before saying.

“What you saw never happened, what happened after what youdidn’tsee also didn’t happen.” Cole and I both nod and she steps aside, Cairo reaches out for Jess, and I reluctantly pass her over. As soon as I’m on the dock Ro shoots off toward the island, he snaps at the guards lining the beach to get the doctor. The guard takes one look at Jess and motions for us to follow him, we keep pace with the guard as we run. I cringe when I see Jess jostling in Cairo’s embrace but at least she isn’t screaming in pain.

“What the fuck….” I turn toward where Cole is looking, the outside of the hall is littered with injured bodies on stretches with both vamps and shifters administering aid to them. My stomach sinks, when the guard motions for us to enter the hall and that the doctor is inside, I turn to Cole and Sky.

“I need you two to find Harlem, he should be with mom and Callie.” They both nod and take off toward Davina’s house. I follow Cairo inside and gasp, more bodies line the inside of the hall, it’s been turned into a makeshift hospital.

“I need a doctor, now!” Cairo roars above the noise, his tone bleeds with his alpha power and I watch as shifters bow their heads, even members from my pack bow their heads. A man pushes through the throngs of bodies, he looks like he is close to my age. Blond hair, dark blue eyes that are hidden behind thick black framed glasses. He clicks his fingers and motions for a woman to follow him, he stops in front of Ro and pulls out a slender pen looking thing, he clicks a button and I realize then it’s a torch. He tries to open her left eye but its swollen shut, he moves to the right, and it only opens slightly, he flicks the torch side to side and places fingers against her neck timing her heartbeats at the same time.

“Jackie set up a bed and get me some IV bags and some morphine. She will need a CT scan and an X-ray to check for internal bleeding.”

“Yes sir.” Jackie scurries away as the guy stands there running his gaze over Jess.

“Has she been conscious?” He asks.

“No, she hasn’t said a word or even drank.”

“Right, follow me.” I remain silent as the doctor leads the way; I can’t seem to get any words out of my mouth. I run my gaze over the injured as we pass by, What the fuck happened here? “Place her down on the bed.” Cairo does as the doctor says and places her on a hospital bed. “Now stand back and stay out of the way.” I grit my teeth at his order, Cairo growls in warning. The doctor pins Cairo with an angry glare. “You may rule shit out there, but in here I’m the boss. You get in my way, and I will have you removed, am I clear?” I look at the man in shock, he has some big balls talking to us like that. Cairo and I both nod and stand back as we watch the doctor and Jackie place monitors on Jess, he pulls a metal tray table over and grabs a pair of scissors. I grind my teeth together and fight back the growl that wants to break free as I watch him cut my mates shirt open.

“Sir, I have her IV fluids and morphine drip set up.”

“Good, get Gene and Chloe and let them know we need to transfer her to the clinic.”

“Yes sir.” Jackie leaves and I stand there stiff as shit as I watch him begin to cut her pants from her body. I slam my eyes closed and take deep breaths, I’m a wolf and wolves fucking hate watching another male touch their mate. I keep reminding myself that he isn’t touching her in that way, he is trying to help her.

“Shit.” I snap my eyes open in worry.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal