Page 41 of Brutal Truth

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“Yeah, I heard Jim and Kyle talking about it the other day.”

“Wait, so the border breach might not be her mate, it might be Cairo?” I perk at the mention of a border breach.

“Dude did you know the council is trying to recruit him?” What the hell?

“No, why?”

“Cairo is a legend. He was exiled from his pack and thought to be dead for years but turns out he is the alpha to all rogues’ but check this, he can never be led!” The awe in their voices when they speak about my brother is worrying.

“Why did he come back?”

“According to some of the pack, he only came out of hiding forher.” The ‘her’they are referring to is me, guilt gnaws at me. My brother would still be safe and living his best life if it wasn’t for me. They both go quiet for a moment and then I hear them shuffle around as the guy says. “Shit, we need to move her now.” I remain calm and allow them to think I’m still unconscious. I physically don’t have the strength to even lift my own arms let alone fight off two shifters. The chain clinks and the door squeaks as they open it, I try to let my mind wonder to a happy place hoping that when they drag me out of here I’ll be too lost in my head to feel any pain. No such luck though, they each grip one of my arms and yank me up. I scream and this time I can’t stop the tears from streaming down my face. They grip the top of my shoulders and hold each of my forearms as they drag me from the cage, I can’t even get my shoeless feet under me to walk. These two air heads literally drag me out of the cage and through the darkness, neither of them seems to care that I keep hissing or moaning in pain. I can’t see anything, granted I can only peer out of the tiny slit of my eye. They drag me up a flight of stairs and each of my feet slap against the stairs. I hear a door open but they’re moving too fast for me to scan my surroundings, plus my head feels like it’s on a merry-go-round and I feel like I might hurl whatever tiny amount is in my stomach.

“Take her to the car and head for the mountain!” A woman snaps, we pass through another door and that’s when I realize I must have been kept in a basement of a house. The fresh outside air hits me as I’m dragged along the grass, we come to a stop and the guy on my left releases me and I nearly crumble to the ground, but the one of the right holds me up in a bruising grip that has me biting into my lip again to stop the scream that wants to tear free.

I’m pushed forward and grabbed immediately then I’m lifted and scream out when the grip on my ribs tightens, I’m thrown into what I assume is the trunk of an SUV and before I can do anything the door slams shut, I hear four doors open and then slam closed as the car peels away, I’m powerless to stop myself from rolling around, and smacking into the backs of the chairs and the trunk door. I have no idea where the mountain is, but I’m thankful to be out of that cage!

It hits me, they must be moving me because they’ve heard that Cairo and Creed are coming for me. I send up a silent prayer to whoever may be listening and just hope and pray that they find me, even I admit I know I can’t hang on like this much longer. I’m snapped out of my thoughts when the car screeches to a halt and I slam into the back of the seats with a groan.

“Shit, they blocked the exit!” I hear the panic in the woman’s voice, and it thrills me. My pack has come for me!

“Turn around B and go the back way.” I recognize the man’s voice as one of the guys that dragged me from the basement. The car is put into reverse and I try to stop myself from rolling but fail and slam into the boot. I’m so over feeling this powerless and at the mercy of some asshole people, I have never felt this powerless in my life except for when I lost my girl. I suppose at least if I did die, I could be with my daughter again and Harlem would have Creed and the others. I snap myself out of that downward spiral, I can’t let myself think like that. I may not have been able to save my daughter but I refuse to leave my son, he needs his mother and I won’t stop trying until I really am dead. The car screams to a stop again and I’m thrown forward into the backseat again, I growl in anger.

“Shit, they blocked this one as well!” The woman shouts.

“Go the long way to the mountain, there is no way Cairo knows about that route.” I’m mentally picturing all the ways I am going to kill this guy from the basement.

“And what if it isn’t Cairo?” The woman snaps.

“Oh shit, Reeves knows all the exits.” A new male voice says. “If it is Reeves, he will kill us without mercy for touching her.” Hearing the fear in his voice as he talks about Creed warms me inside.

“We have no choice Kane, if we don’t do this the alpha will kill us.” The woman hisses.

“Kacey, we are surrounded. They have all the exits blocked and there is no way Reeves didn’t come, she’s, his mate.” I hear a scoff come from the back seat.

“Run them down, I ain’t dying for no alpha bitch and Jacob will kill us so run the fuckers down!” It’s the other guy from the basement. We sit here in silence for so long, I begin to wonder if they have changed their minds.


“I see them B.” I growl inside my head at the fact I have no idea what they are talking about. “They know she’s here.” The tone of the guy Kane’s voice has my skin prickling with awareness, it only ever does that if Creed is near, hope begins to build inside.

He came for me!

Chapter Thirty


Ro and I stand shoulder to shoulder as we stare at the blacked-out jeep, I know she’s inside. Her scent is faint and being masked somehow, but I know it’s her, and judging from the looks of the two people in the front seats she’s definitely inside. They look around and check their mirrors for an escape route, but they won’t find one, we have them surrounded. We have a circle formed around their vehicle, all the pack is still in wolf form except for me, Cairo and Sky, Vince has his vamps fanned out around the car and he and the others are slowly moving closer. I can scent that the four in the car are shifters, I’ll kill them all! Ro moves forward a few steps, he stands there in nothing but his shorts, his tats on full display for all to see.

“You have five fucking seconds to hand over my sister or I’ll kill each and every one of you––slowly!” The authority in his voice even has me wanting to obey him. I look at him in shock, I have always known Cairo is a strong alpha but it’s almost like his power has increased. I tear my gaze from him when the windows of the car start to wind down, the driver and the passenger put both their hands out the window to show they are surrendering.

“What the fuck are you two doing? He will kill all of us if we don’t take her to him!”

“Fuck up Garrett, we are dead either way and I for one would rather die quickly than be tortured by Jacob!” I eye the woman in the driver’s seat, she opens her door and the guy in the passenger seat follows her lead. They both move toward the front of the vehicle with their hands in the air they both looked scared shitless. “We had nothing to do with what happened to your sister––“I growl and move forward till I’m next to Cairo.

“What the fuck happened to my mate?” The man and woman exchange a look before turning back to me, I hear the guy gulp.

“Jacob had her… broken in.” The woman mumbles and my body begins to vibrate with unbridled rage.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal