Page 42 of Brutal Truth

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“Open the fucking trunk now!” I snap, Ro and I follow them to the back of the jeep, Ro motions for Vince and two of his men to retrieve the other two from the backseat. The woman is hesitant to open the trunk and that causes me to panic. I strain my hearing and I can hear her faint heartbeat; I scent the air and I smell…. blood. I shove them out of the way and yank the trunk open snapping the clip but freeze when I see her.

Oh god no!

I black out as Corbin forces a partial shift, he spins around and grips the man and woman by their throats and digs his claws in, Corbin relishes in the fear in their eyes.

“You feared the wrong alpha.” He snarls as he tears their throats out, blood spurts all over my naked chest as they drop to the ground, the sound of them gurgling and choking on their own blood doesn’t even satisfy the beast inside me, Corbin wants to end every single one of Jacob’s pack. I fight for control, and he reluctantly relents as I take over, I need to help Jess. I move toward the jeep and brush past Ro, he stares at his sister with a blank look on his face, I gently bend over and cup her cheek but yank my hand back when she hisses in pain.

“Princess?” I whisper, I feel tears building behind my eyes. I can’t even see the color of her skin; her whole body is covered in cuts and bruises. I see some deep gashes on her face, her hair is mattered to her face from the crusted blood and her clothes are torn. I can smell urine all over her, some of its hers and some of it isn’t. I clench my fists at my sides and try to reign in my anger, I want to break every single one of these cunts.

“Bring those two here!” I know what’s about to happen, I can feel the rage rolling off Cairo. Those other two guys will be dead in seconds.

“We didn’t touch her!” His pleas are falling on deaf ears, Cairo’s wolf is too close to the surface for him to be reasoned with.

“Why the fuck isn’t she healing?” Its then that it sinks in, Cairo is right. Sheba should have been able to heal all of Jess’s wounds. I know this is gonna hurt her, but I have to hold her, so I reach into the trunk but before I grab her out, I say.

“I’m so sorry princess, this is gonna hurt.” I pull her out of the trunk and cringe when a gut-wrenching scream tears from her, I cradle her shaking form against me and that’s when I notice that both her eyes are swollen shut. I grind my teeth together and turn to face the two fucking cowards. “You spineless pieces of shit, I will fucking kill you all for what you have done to her!” Cairo and I don’t get a chance, Cole’s wolf leaps past us and his jaws clamp around one of the guy’s neck and takes him down, his scream is cut off when Cole shakes his head and rips his throat out. Cole isn’t done, he spits the flesh from his mouth and turns to the other guy with blood dripping down his jaws. The guy is shaking like a leaf and so close to pissing himself, he raises his hands in the air and tries to plead his case but is cut off when Ro speaks.

“Why the fuck isn’t she healing?” He darts his gaze between me, Cole and Ro.

“I-it’s the sedative.” That’s all we needed to hear, Cole takes him down and he’s dead within a minute. Cole shifts back and stands in front of me with blood still dripping down his chin and chest. He runs his gaze over Jess, and I see the war in his eyes, he wants to help her but he doesn’t know how.

“Sweetheart, we’ll kill every last one of them.” Jess is still a writhing mess in my arms, her heart rate is low we need to move now and get her help.

“We have to go, she needs a doctor.” I snap.

“We have to take her back to the island; Al will treat her.”

“That’s a four fucking day trip Vince, look at her she doesn’t have four days!” Cairo is right, I can hear how slow her heart is beating and her pulse is slowing. She needs help now; we will never make it to the island. Cairo turns to Sky, and they share a loaded look before Ro sighs in relief and turns to Vince. “Cole, you drive. Creed, you and Sky in the back, Vince you and the others get the cars and meet us at the boats we’re taking her to your doctor.” I open my mouth to protest but Cairo cuts me off. “Trust me Creed, I would never let my sister die.” The conviction in his voice gives me pause, I look down at Jess and nod. I move toward the back of the car and each step I take she whimpers or flinches in pain, I fight the urge to tighten my hold on her. I slide into the backseat and cringe when she shouts in pain from the movement, Cairo closes the door and hops in the front as Sky gets in beside me and Jess. Cole jumps in whilst pulling up his pants and we speed toward the docks. I keep my gaze on Jess the whole time, guilt eats away at me, I should have been there to protect her! My mate lays here dying in my arms and I can’t do a fucking thing about it!

“Hold on princess, don’t leave me, I need you.” A tear drips down my cheek as the reality of the situation kicks in. I was so focused on finding her that I didn’t even begin to think about what she had to endure in her time away from us. She was with them for nearly a week, and this is what they did to her! Cairo turns in the front seat so he can see both Cole and I, the look on his face makes me uneasy. “You said to trust you and I am, now how the hell are you going to help her?”

“I’m not.”

“The fuck does that mean, Ro?” Cole yells.

“It’s because of how much I love my sister why I am about to let you both in on my sacred secret. If either of you two breathe a fucking word about this to anyone I will slit both your fucking throats and help my sister search for your killer.” I stare at him in shock.

“The fuck is wrong with you?” I snap.

“All of you shut up, if you want her to live you will agree to his terms!” I look at Sky then meet my brothers gaze in the rearview mirror.

We don’t have a choice; I won’t lose her Cole.

Agreed, we keep their secret in order to save her.

I close the link between us and both Cole and I agree to Cairo’s terms, he looks to Sky, and she nods her head.

“Thank you.”

“I won’t do this again Ro, do you understand.”

“Yes, I swear this is the one and only time Sky, I swear.”

“Fine.” Sky turns in her seat and lifts her hands placing them on either side of Jess’s head, Jess flinches. “I’m sorry Jess, I’ll make it all go away I promise.” I watch Sky in confusion, her mouth is moving but no words come out her eyes close for a second and then snap open. My eyes widen in shock, her eyes are completely white, I feel pulses of energy coming from her. I feel Jess begin to relax in my arms and her jaw finally starts to loosen. Sky continues for at least twenty minutes, and everyone in the car remains silent, Cole keeps sneaking glances in the mirror to see what is happening. I see a strain begin to spread over Sky’s face, her forehead furrows and her brows begin to pinch together as her eyes begin to blink rapidly. Jess hasn’t stirred once even as we hit bumps or potholes in the road, whatever Sky is doing it’s taking away Jess’s pain.

“Reign it in Sky.” Cairo has his gaze laser focused on his beta; he waits for her to stop but when she doesn’t he firms his voice. “I said stop!” Sky shakes her head and a moment later I feel the energy that was pulsing from her body start to fade. Another minute passes and she drops her hands as her eyes return to their normal muddy brown color. She slumps forward and rests her head between her knees inhaling deep breaths. Everyone remains silent as we wait for Sky to speak. After five minutes I look to Ro and see his gaze is still focused on Sky, I see the worry in his eyes, and it sparks so many questions inside me. “Skylar?”

A whoosh of air escapes Sky before she answers. “I’m okay…. just give me a few more minutes.” Ro growls and reaches over to place his hand on her shoulder blade.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal