Page 40 of Brutal Truth

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“I can see here on the map that the town is surrounded by woods, we need to stay in the shadows.” I turn to see Vince has his phone in his hands, he must have looked up the town on Google maps. Corbin growls his understanding.

“Cairo wants to split up, surround the town so that we can block them in if they flee.”

“Okay, we go in groups. Mike will go east; you and I will go west, Tommy and the others will stay here to block off this exit point.” I open the mind link to my pack.

Colton is with me, Asher you take three with you and Tommy you stay here with the others.

Yes alpha.

Yes alpha.

If anyone tries to flee you take them down, no one is to leave here.

Everyone agrees and I turn to Cairo and nod.

“We’re ready to roll out, Cairo and Zeke will come with us, and the others will split off.” Vince nods and barks orders at his guys, I turn to my brother.

We are here to get Jess, if we can get in and out without being seen we do it.

We need to take Jacob down!

I release a growl and step forward, Cole tries to fight against submission, but he can’t, I’m the stronger wolf and if I have to make him submit to me I will.

We need to find my mate, then I need to get back and make sure my son is safe. We will deal with Jacob another time.

Yes…. alpha.

I can hear the strain in his voice, but I’m not sorry for making him submit, Jess is my only concern right now. I plan on killing Jacob slowly, he doesn’t deserve a quick death, I’ll pro long it for as long as I can.


Twenty Nine


The sound of voices has me stirring awake, I come to with a groan, I try to blink my eyes open but only one of them opens to a tiny slit, the light above me beams so bright. I hear voices, but I see nothing but darkness. I try to lift my hand, but my body ignores me and refuses to move an inch, I don’t feel any new wounds so maybe Kayla was right. I mean I’m still alive so I guess they didn’t beat the shit out of me after all, I hear whispers again, but I can’t make out what they are saying. I hear feet scuff along the ground and remain as still as I can and close my eye so they think I’m still out cold. I make sure to keep my breathing and heart rate steady, I can feel them right beside me, and I remain still.

“If they get any closer, we have to move her.”

“To where?”

“Dunno, alpha just said to be ready to move her at a moment’s notice.”

“You got the sedative?” One of them snorts, men are such arrogant pigs!

“Look at her, she’s half dead anyway so no point wasting it on her.”

“Is she really an alpha?” I can hear the wonder in this guy’s voice, and it makes me sick. “If she is, I’ll take her as my chosen mate.” The other guy laughs.


“Dude, that would mean I would be alpha.”

“Huh, I never thought of that. Wonder what it’s like to bang an alpha bitch?” Bile begins to rise up my throat. I can deal with getting beaten but being raped is something I couldn’t deal with. I feel tears building through my swollen eyes and I try to think of something that will help me focus on something other than the prospect of me being raped!

“Did you know that her brother is Cairo Cruz?”

“The fuck, no way!”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal