Page 34 of Brutal Truth

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“I have no idea, if he hurts mom, I’ll make him regret it.” We have known our whole lives that dad loved Davina, what I don’t get though is how he can still love her when mom is his mate! I couldn’t imagine loving someone other than Jess, from the first moment I saw her, Corbin and I knew she was it for us. The scent of other women turns me off, even when I tried to piss Jess off by talking to Kayla it made my skin crawl.

“He doesn’t even care! You know mom hasn’t been staying at their house, right?” I turn to the side and stare at my brother, the look in his eyes tells me he isn’t kidding.

“Where the hell has she been staying?” I grit out.

“With some of the packs, why do you think she is always at our house?” It honestly never dawned on me, I have been so focused on Jess and Harlem I have slacked off on all my alpha duties. Guilt wars inside of me because right now my pack needs their alpha and all I have done is neglect them, I’ve been so focused on myself and my little family. That changes now.

“We don’t have to talk to Davina today, we already know her secret. I’m going to round up the pack so we can join Cairo and his for a run, our pack needs to run so we can all bond again.” Cole’s wide smile is all the answer I need. I rise to my feet and the vamp who was just laying out the game plan clamps his mouth shut, I feel all eyes on me.

“So here’s what’s going to happen, Cole, Asher, Tommy and a few others as well as myself will accompany you all on your search.”

“Why?” The vamp asks, I narrow my gaze at him. As the alpha no one gets to question my reasons why, I allow Corbin to rise up so he can see the wolf in my eyes. He tries to hide his flinch, but I notice how the other two vamps beside him step back slightly, good.

“Because I fucking said so. We are the best trackers in my pack, and we will find your people faster than any of you can.” I move my gaze from the vamp to stare at my egg donor, the cocky bitch arches a brow at me. I lift my lip in a snarl, she may own the island, but I own the fucking pack and trust me I am better as an ally than an enemy. “My pack needs to run tonight, make whatever preparations you need, but we shift at eight.” I don’t wait for her to respond; I turn my gaze to my dad and make sure he can see the anger in my eyes. “You and Shelley aren’t invited!” Shock colors my dad’s features but I ignore it as I turn and motion for my pack to follow me out. We head around the back of the hall to where Vince and a few others are waiting with Cairo and his pack members.

“Good timing, we were just going over what days’ work for training.” I motion for Vince to continue. “We will train Monday through Saturday and take Sunday off, each day we will train for 6 hours. We will learn to work together and fight as one, wolves will teach us to track, and vamps will teach wolves how to fight without their wolves.”

“What does that mean?” Vince doesn’t look at Callie like she asked a dumb question.

“It means that if the council is to subdue your wolf, you will be defenseless so you all need to learn how to fight without your wolf.”

“How can they do that?” Cole took the words right out of my mouth.

“It is rumored that the council has made a concoction that can nullify a wolf, from what I have heard it is a mix or Mercury, Rohypnol and Ketamine. It will knock you out and keep your wolf senses out of action for at least 4 hours.” To say I’m shocked is a bloody understatement, Corbin growls inside me and I can feel the anger of my pack through our pack link.

“How do you know this?” Vince looks uneasy as he answers, his shoulders are tense, and he won’t meet Cairo’s gaze as he answers.

“Because we were the ones to design it.” Gasps and growls sound out around the group, the vamps start to back up and drop into a crouch ready to fight. I push forward and call my pack to stand down. Cairo must do the same because his pack falls back behind us as we face off to the vampires.

“Why the fuck would you do something like that?” Ro snaps. Corbin is riding me so hard that I am fighting to stay in my skin and not shift to fur.

“Because we had to be prepared in case the council came for us.”

“How the fuck did they get the drug Vince?” My voice is more wolf than man right now.

“We were betrayed by one––“

“That’s enough Vincent!” I glare as Davina moves toward her vampires, the way she looks at me pisses me off. “All you need to know is that they now have the formula for the drug and will use it.”

“And we’re just supposed to take your word for it?” The sarcasm is thick in my voice.

“Yes, you are, we could have withheld the truth and told you that there was no drug, but we didn’t. Now if you will excuse me, I have preparations to make for your run.” I glare at her as she turns to leave, the fact that she thinks she is safe to turn her back on me is comical.

“We won’t need to meet with you either Davina.” That gets her to falter in her step, I keep the satisfied look from my face as she turns to face me. She tries to search my face for any clue as to why I would give up knowing the truth, but she won’t find a chink in my armor.


“Because we don’t want to hear your bullshit, now piss off so your men can train and figure out a way to protect their gutless leader.” Davina glares at Cole but says nothing, the vamps hiss at my brother and move a step forward but stop when I drop to a crouch and release a deafening growl.

“Stand down!” The vamps snap their gaze to Davina in shock.

“But D––“

“I said stand the hell down Maurice.” The looks of confusion on their faces tells me they have no idea who we are to Davina. Good, I would rather everyone think that my bio mom is dead because to me, she is.

After we all agree on a a plan for the training and what we would work on, we decided we may as wells start today. Cairo refused to leave and meet Jess so they could go and see Shelley, the fact that she was hanging around to watch us train tells me Jess didn’t meet with her either. I stand back and watch, seeing a shifter in combat with a vampire is something I never thought I would ever see in all my life.

Vampires may not be able to shift but that doesn’t mean they are weak, they’re fast, and their agility to jump is unbelievable, as well as strength, speed and healing abilities. We are at our strongest when we are in wolf form so to see them not shift but have the same abilities to us is astounding. So far, the vamps haven’t caused any trouble, I can see majority of them are at odds with us being here, but the others seem okay. We even had a couple of pack members reunite with missing family members, apparently Davina rescues anyone who is hunted by the council and offers them a safe haven here. I asked Vince if it is a requirement to be changed into a vamp, but he said no, it’s a choice that they have all made willingly. I wonder how Davina does it though, if you have to use the blood from this first family how has she been able to do it if this Belle kid isn’t even here?

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal