Page 35 of Brutal Truth

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“Vince!” We all turn to see a young boy running toward us, he screeches to a halt when he sees Callie, she shifted into her wolf so the vamps can practice taking us down in four legs. The kid can’t seem to pry his eyes from my sister, I hear a small growl and fight to keep the smirk off my face, Sky doesn’t like him eyeing out her mate.

“Unless you want me to remove your bloody eyes you will take them off my mate!” He snaps his gaze to Sky, instead of fear all I can see is wonder.

“You’re a wolf?” The kid sounds like he is in awe. “You’re beautiful.” Now Callie growls at the little shit, he raises his hands as if surrendering. “Sorry! I’ve just never seen a wolf before, and I mean…I thought that…. Ladies don’t change but then you’re a girl and you’re here and I mean you must be one because––“

“Caleb for fuck sake shut up!” The kid slams his mouth closed and smiles sheepishly at the girls before turning to an annoyed looking Vince. “What are you doing here Caleb?” The kid stands taller and tries to puff out his chest a bit to make himself look bigger.

“I wanna fight with you guys.” Vince releases a loud exhale and shakes his head, the kids shoulders slump slightly before he quickly stiffens his spine.

“Caleb, you’re sixteen. You are way too young to be involved in this, let us fight so you don’t have to kid.”

“Fine, I’ll prove to you that I can handle myself.” Vince shakes his head but before he can speak the kid spins toward us and when his gaze lands on me, I can’t fight the smirk that breaks free. He raises his pointer finger at me and speaks. “He looks like a wolf; I’ll take him down and when I do you have to let me fight.”

“Caleb, no he is––“

“Deal kid.” I say cutting Vince off, he darts his gaze to me pleading with me to not do this but I’m a wolf, an alpha wolf can never back down from a challenge. The kid closes the space between us, and I brace for him to attack, I can sense everyone’s gaze on us now. The nosey fuckers have stopped training to see how far I’ll take this. Instead of striking at me like I expected him to, to my surprise he offers me his hand.

“Hi, I’m Caleb and I’m a new blood.” I cock a brow at him in question. “Oh, a new blood means I have just turned, so you know…. I’m new to all of this.” I place my hand in his and shake it as I say.

“I’m Credence Reeves, alpha to the Reeves pack.” The kids eyes double in size and he turns pale, I swear he is about to piss his pants. He yanks his hand out of mine and this time I let the smirk break free, Caleb rubs the back of his neck and darts his gaze around. The kid has spunk I give him that, he isn’t big for his age, he’s skinny and his hair is in bad need of a cut, it hangs down to his ears and he’s constantly blowing the strands from his forehead, his brown eyes are full of life and mischief. I don’t know what it is about this kid, but I like him already.

“So…” I can’t stop the laugh that breaks free, the kid smiles up at me sheepishly. I see Vince out of the corner of my eye and watch as he relaxes slightly, now that he knows I won’t hurt the kid. I may be an alpha and never back down from a challenge, but I will never hurt a kid for trying to prove himself.

“Dude, how about we teach you a few skills, and maybe in a couple of weeks you try your luck at taking on the big bad wolf?” Caleb smiles up at Cole like he hung the moon for him, I hear Vince curse and mutter beneath his breath which causes me to smile. If training this kid is going to ruffle the vamp’s feathers, then I’m all for it.


“Alright, you can go with Sky and Callie, they will help you out.” Cole motions for him to go to an angry looking Sky but the kid shakes his head, my brow furrows in confusion.

“I would love to but––“

“No wolf will harm you kid; you have my word.” My voice drips with my alpha tone as I communicate through the mind link that they take it easy on the kid.

“It’s not that– “

“Then what is it?” I snap, Caleb flinches but doesn’t back away.

“I mean I want to train, but I have to tell Vince something first, if that’s okay.” I grit my teeth and nod; he spins toward Vince and says. “I may have broken into a house!” he rushes to say, well that was…unexpected. Vince turns a bright shade of red and I can see the anger swirling in his eyes.

“You did what?” Caleb at least has the decency to drop his gaze and seem remorseful.

“I had to Vince!”

“Look at me now, Caleb.” He lifts his gaze slowly and stands tall. The kid has balls I give him that. “Why?”

“Because I heard a kid screaming and when I looked in the windows no one was there! I couldn’t leave him Vince!” Ice fills my veins.

“What house?” I can barely get the words out over the fear choking me.

“The one that backs onto the woods, the two-story house.” I snap, I dart forward and grip him by his shoulders lifting him off the ground, so we are eye level. I ignore the hissing and the growls around me as I stare at the kid. “Where is my son?” His eyes double in size and fear begins to fester in his brown gaze.

“I-I took him to Davina.” I drop the kid and sprint toward my house, I know the others are following me but I don’t care. I run as fast as my two legs will carry me, and when I see the house come into view, I try to feel for Jess…nothing! I burst through the front door and run straight up the stairs to our room, I search the whole upstairs, but she isn’t here. I race back down to find Cairo and the others scanning the area as well, he looks at me and shakes his head.


I take off again and head toward Davina’s, maybe she went there. Maybe someone told her Davina had Harlem and she went to get him? I hear the others following me again but don’t stop, I don’t slow my pace even as I see the gates. I bolt straight around the back and screech to a halt when I see Davina, mom and Harlem. I sprint toward my son and pluck him from my mom’s lap crushing him against me.

“Daddy.” He wheezes out, shit. I relax my hold on him but keep him close to my chest as I turn to my mom who is now standing.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal