Page 33 of Brutal Truth

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“Yeah, I wish I could say how I felt about it, but I honestly don’t know how I feel. On top of everything that has happened I just don’t think I have the emotional space to deal with that.” Meg reaches over and places her hand on top of mine.

“How about tonight you join us for a run, the packs need to shift, and I think a run will do us all some good.” Excitement and fear thrums through me.

“I-I don’t know if I can.”

“Why not?” I drop my gaze to my lap slightly embarrassed.

“I’ve never been on a pack run before.” I expect her to judge me, but she doesn’t.

“Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry, may I ask why?” I keep my gaze on Harlem as I answer.

“Because Sheba would always try to escape and go back to Creed every time I would shift.”

“Hmmmm, is that the only reason?” I deflate a little, how she knows I’m holding back I have no idea but I’m chalking that up to mothers’ intuition.

“Sheba and I haven’t seen eye to eye since...Josh.”

“Ahh, I see. Can I give you some advice?” I turn to Meg, nothing but love and understanding shines in her eyes so I nod. “Let it go, let all of it go because in the end Josh is dead. It isn’t Josh who is hurting by you not shifting, it’s you. You can be mad at Sheba, but she did what she had to do to ensure your safety, she did her job sweetie. If you keep her caged, one day she will take over when you least expect it and won’t allow you control back. You need to be one with your wolf, if the council were to attack now do you think Sheba would sit back and allow you to be defenseless?” I shake my head. “Exactly, shift tonight and let go of the past Jess. Creed will guide you through all of it, at least now Sheba won’t run because she has her mate by her side.”

I sit on the couch and wait for Creed and the others to get back; I enjoyed our day at the beach, and it was great that Meg joined us. I held out as long as I could before having to leave and bring Harlem home for his nap time, he went down so fast after I gave him a quick bath. I’ve been sitting down here for the past half hour making dot points in my head about everything we have learned.

My bio mom is alive

Creed’s mom is alive

We live with vampires

The council wants power

Cairo wants to infiltrate the council

There is a girl who can turn people into vampires

Harlem will become a target if the council finds out about him

Shifters and vampires are being made to train together

We can’t go home

People from the island haven’t returned and I’m sure it’s because of the council

I might actually get to go on my first pack run

I release a huff and slouch down further into the couch. I don’t know if I’m broken or if I’m just getting used to people lying to me all the time, but I just can’t make myself care about the fact that Shelley is my mom. I know I have to meet with her soon, but I honestly would rather eat soap than listen to her talk. If only I could turn back time just to be with my mom laughing on the couch while eating ice cream. Those times were the best, I was so carefree and didn’t have to worry about a pack of power-hungry assholes hunting me down. I don’t understand why they are after me, it’s not like I have superpowers, so what if my bio mom was the alpha’s daughter from the Reeves pack and my dad the alpha from the Cruz pack. I close my eyes and decide to try take a nap, maybe that way I might be able to shut off my thoughts and finally stop reeling from everything I have learned.

I’m having the most amazing dream, but I’m yanked from it when I feel something stab the side of my neck. I snap my eyes open and sit up placing my hand against the spot that stings, I attempt to stand but fall back into the couch. I feel woozy. I turn my head, but my movements are sluggish, something isn’t right. My lids begin to feel heavy, my arms and legs start to feel like they weigh a ton, I roll my head to the side, and I see someone standing at the back of me, but my vision is so fuzzy I can’t make out any features. I open my mouth but no sound comes out, I reach for Sheba, but I can’t feel her. Panic begins to flow through me, what the hell is happening, I strain my hearing, but I can’t hear anything over the pounding in my chest. I try to reach for the mind link Creed and I share but it feels…… I can’t even feel him anymore. Oh my god, Harlem!

That’s the last thought I have before I pass out and pray to God Harlem stays asleep.


Twenty Three


Sitting here listening to how the vamps plan to try and get their missing people back is entertaining. The hall is filled with the best of the best from the vamps and from the shifters as well as both alphas and our best trackers. What I didn’t expect to see though is Shelley, Dela, Davina and my dad. I have no idea why they are here, but I can’t stop staring, I watch the way my dad interacts with both the women and how he can be so easy going around both of them baffles me until realization finally dawns. My dad has known this whole fucking time that Shelley is alive, he knew Jess’s mom was on the council and said nothing! I feel Corbin rise inside me; he has been so antsy ever since we got to the island. He and I have managed to control our anger and keep our self in check, you see being a shifter is fucking hard. We have two souls inside one body and sometimes getting along is harder than you might think.

“How the fuck can he be okay with her?” Cole makes sure to keep his voice low enough that only I can hear.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal