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“––But we were able to secure enough blood for a transfusion. We’re getting ready to bring her back soon, but I have to warn you… she is still unconscious and breathing through a tube. We’re hoping she regains consciousness quickly. For now we are closely monitoring her recovery. So, uh–– hang tight, Agent Thomas. We’re doing everything we can to make sure your wife gets through this.”

Everything around me tunnels.

My vision closes in on me.

Adrian gets thrust back in my arms and as always, he centers me, forcing me to regain my bearings and focus on him. He’s smiling sleepily at me, his grubby hand curling around my shirt as his eyes slowly blink until they’re shut and he falls back into a deep sleep.

Ben firmly grabs hold of my shoulders, urging me to take a seat.

I watch as he crosses the room to where Mina has stood vigil, looking out the window into the corridors, as if that would somehow make the wait go by faster. Ben’s hand goes to the small of her back and that should surprise me, but being around them these last few weeks, I had noticed distinct changes in their relationship.

There’s something there.

I’m hoping they don’t let our jobs get in the way of whatever that is.

Life is too fucking short for that.

I force myself to focus on Adrian.

I’ve read books and watched movies where they allude to the fact that when you’re unconscious, you’re still aware of what goes on around you. Somehow even in a comatose-like state, you can hear your loved ones talking to you and actually understand what they’re trying to communicate.

Today, I learned that was a lie.

Or maybe it’s true for some people.

But for me, the last thing I remember seeing was Noah’s face splattered with blood as he shouted my name and next thing I knew, I was waking up in a hospital bed.

Before I even opened my eyes, I knew.

I spent enough time in them with my mom to recognize the smell and sounds of a hospital.

If I wasn’t already reeling from the pain of getting shot multiple times or the trauma of what my father had done, I would be triggered by my surroundings.

I lost my mom in a hospital. I don’t want to be here.

I fight against a wave of nausea and attempt to open my eyes.

They’re heavy and I struggle, succeeding in opening them just a sliver, until the brightness of the fluorescent lighting has me groaning and I quickly shut them again.

I hear a rush of footsteps and the sound of the light getting turned off before I feel the bed dip next to me. A familiar, warm hand presses against my cheek and I once again fight against the weight of my lids to open my eyes.

Noah’s handsome, rugged face is the first thing I see.

Concern pinches his brows downward and he’s sporting days old stubble.

His eyes are red-rimmed, the sight causing my heart to pinch painfully.

Instantly, I know I’ve been here for awhile. I peruse the room, scanning every inch of it. There’s a bit of light coming into the room from the hallway, allowing me to see that the room is empty except for Noah and myself.

I spy a guest bed but it’s immaculate, untouched with a duffel bag sitting on it. An armchair sits beside my bed with a single, rumpled pillow on it. Emotion clogs my throat as I realize Noah has been sitting vigil by my side.

“A-a––” I sputter and cough, unable to muster up a single word to ask where my–our son is. My throat feels gravelly and raw and there’s a twinge of pain when I attempt to speak again, making me wince.

Noah places a gentle hand behind my head as he pulls the bed up a little. Then a glass of water materializes in his hand, and he coaxes me to take a few sips before he takes it back, placing it next to me on the table.

He takes hold of my hand, giving it a firm squeeze. He’s staring at our joined hands like the weight of the world has been resting on his shoulders as I laid unconscious by his side. I watch silently as Noah shakes his head once, like he’s reminding himself to get a grip, and he meets my eyes once again.

A cloud of emotion swims in his sky-blue eyes and he swallows audibly before tentatively grazing a finger across my cheek. He grasps my jaw, kissing me gently on the forehead before resting his against mine.

Tags: Kaye Rockwell Romance