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“She was a teacher by day, waitress at a club by night. Neighbors babysitting you? Imagine.Your father is one of the wealthiest people on earth and my own flesh and blood is getting babysat by a bunch of factory workers, while the mother of my child whores herself out for tips for diaper money?”

He turns on me suddenly, a hard glint in his eyes. A blush of fury creeps up his neck and he’s shaking his head vehemently, now lost in his memories.

“Chloe gave me no choice. The business here was still too green. I could not risk anyone knowing about the both of you, especially not your grandfather or––” He cuts off, his eyes shutting for a moment.

And then it hits me. He was protecting my mother and I from my grandfather.

“So, I made a deal with Patty. It was only supposed to be until I could get your mother to let me be a part of your life––lives. Then, the business boomed. We expanded to all fifty states, to Asia and Australia, until we dominated the entire globe. But with wealth and power came enemies and constant threats to my family. I knew there would be nothing I could do to protect you and your mother if anyone found out about you so I had to come up with an alias. I needed to cover my tracks and assume a different identity. Patty took over any contact with you and your mother. Then your mother––” His voice cracks as he runs a palm over his face.

“My mom got sick?”

He releases a frustrated breath and nods once as he shares a glance with Aunt Patty. She has managed to calm herself down while my father spun his tale.

"You had just graduated high school. I wanted to support you moving forward, and for a while, Chloe seemed to be on board with it. Then she found out Patty was my wife, and Penny––" He clears his throat, and Penny wails again.

He opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but indecision passes over his face and he twists around to face me again.

Sighing, he continues. "It became harder to get through to her. She was convinced any connection with me would ruin your life. She ran off with you. We eventually found you but your mother refused any help. I consulted with her doctor to find a way to help her but by then, it was too late. Chloe died and you disappeared.”

His voice starts rising by octaves.

“I had no idea you were living in motels. I figured you would keep staying at your apartment or downgrade. When I found out your mother had never even attempted to access the money I put in an account for her and you were working yourself to the bone, I knew I couldn’t approach you. I had Patty take you in. Then you met––"

His voice takes a volatile tone as he pivots to face Noah once again.

"My husband?"

He snarls like he is disgusted by our relationship and it raises my hackles.

Noah’s face is the epitome of fury right now. LikeDean Winchestercome to life.

He’s breathing hard, his jaw flexing.

I shake my head, lost in the weird direction my thoughts took me. I don't notice that Aunt Patty has gotten up with Penny under her arm.

"Up until that moment, I had a plan. I would wait for you to finish college and Patty would introduce us. I would have you work for me, waiting until the perfect time to introduce myself as your father. But alas luck was not on my side, daughter. Of all the men in the world, you just hadto fall in love with a self-righteous one. A man with a badge. I could not risk the repercussions had I approached you then. So again, I waited. I believed it was just a matter of time until you grew tired of him, but again you shocked me. You actually married the man.”

His hand sweeps the room as he brazenly points at Noah and then at me.

“The man who was assigned to destroy everything I had built for you--your entire life.”

His gaze slides over to Penny and her mother and his mask falls. His face warps into disgust as he looks back at the two women.

A memory hits me and that’s when it clicks.

“Wait-WAIT.”I look at Penny, my gut churning. “You went to Paris to visit your dad after CJ––”

My hand flies to my mouth as the words leave me, remembering how he killed CJ right in front of me.

Penny simply juts out her chin. That typically ever-present raised eyebrow of hers finally makes an appearance as she eyes me up and down with disdain. I tamp down the urge to squirm.

“I killed the incompetent waste, Penelope.” Santos interrupts, smugness coating his words.

Penny’s head swings back to Santos and her lower lip quivers, betraying her emotions.

“CJ––CJ is dead? But you swore!”

He sneers, venom dripping from his lips. “You actually think I was going to let him live after what he did to you? To Alessandria?”

Tags: Kaye Rockwell Romance