Page 80 of Never Falling

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Rosalie was singing something about peaches in Georgia in the bathroom, and I smiled to myself.

Molly looked up at me and grinned. "I love Justin Bieber."

"Yeah, he's pretty cool," I said, nodding. I held up the two dresses in my hand. "So which one do you think I should wear?" The one in my right hand was long and silver, full of sequins and sparkles. It had a V-neck top and a slit at the side, and I felt like it made me look like a mermaid. The other dress was short and red and tight, and it left absolutely nothing to the imagination. I’d have to go braless and pantyless because it would show panty lines, even a thong, and I didn't want that.

"Wow, they both look pretty hot," Molly said. "Try them both on, and I'll let you know?"

"Okay," I said, smiling at her. "What are you wearing?"

"I was thinking about wearing this." She held up a slinky white dress. I stared at it in surprise. It didn't look like anything special. She started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked her.

"I can tell from your expression that you're wondering where I'm going with this piece of white material that looks like it's part of a bed sheet set."

"I wasn't going to say that, Molly," I said, though that was what I'd been thinking.

"It's okay. When I first saw it, I was like, 'What is that cheap-ass looking dress and why is it three hundred dollars?'"

"Three hundred dollars?"

"I know, right?" She made a face. "But I was in this boutique, and the associate said, 'Try it on.' And so I did, and let's just say that it was worth every single one of those three hundred dollars and the ramen noodles I had to eat for two weeks straight."

"Well, I can't wait to see it on you." The door opened then, and Rosalie walked into the room, her long, dark hair wet and dripping. She had a towel wrapped around her body, and she was grinning from cheek to cheek.

"I'm so excited for tonight, girls." She was bouncing up and down in glee. "I haven't gotten dressed up in so long."

"Yeah, I'm excited too," I said nodding.

"Oliver's going to be here in an hour you said?"

"Yeah. I told him to come and dress here with us, but he thought it was weird. I don't know why. I said him and Foster could've dressed in Foster's room and talked about which shirt looked hottest and which tie," I said grinning.

"Yeah, right?" Molly chuckled. "I would've loved to have seen that.

Rosalie giggled. "Me too. But you know guys. They never want to be too close, though I think they would've had a great time. Plus, did I tell you Oliver's wearing a tux?"

"Wow. He's going to look pretty dapper," I said.

"Yep. I cannot wait to see him. Okay," she said, walking to the closet where she hung up her two dresses, "should I wear this black one or this midnight blue one?" Both dresses were long with huge V-necks and slits at the side.

"I think you should wear the blue one," Molly said, "and then put on a really vibrant blue eye shadow and some silver highlights. It will make your eyes pop."

"But my eyes are brown. Brown eyes don't pop," Rosalie said, making a face.

"That is where you're wrong," Molly said. "Brown eyes are absolutely frigging magnificent. Brown eyes make you feel like you are falling into a pool of seduction."

Rosalie started giggling. "Are you an author and didn't tell me?"

"No," Molly said, "I know this is going to sound crazy, but when I was younger I used to pray that my eyes would change from blue to brown."

"Really?" Rosalie sounded surprised.

"Really." Molly nodded. "I think it's because my best friend when I was in grade school had brown eyes and this really black curly hair. And we were such opposites and I just loved her, and I wanted to look just like her."

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance