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Wait. I can’t do this to her now. I want her, but. . .she’s hurting.

I pulled back. “Baby, let’s get you dressed.”

“You said we should get me warm.” She held onto me and wouldn’t let go. “Help me get warm.”

“I can’t get the blankets, if you’re holding me like this.”

“I don’t need the blankets to make me warm.” She hit me with a sad gaze. Lust pooled in those eyes, but not as much as cold fear and anxiety.

I sighed. “You want me, but for the wrong reasons.”

“I do love you.”

“I know that, but you’re scared and looking for a distraction right now.”

Her words came out shaky. “I need a distraction.”

“Sex isn’t the answer.”

She gave me a weak smile. “So, you’re not as good as you used to be?”

When a woman poked at a man’s sexual skills, it was always hard for that man to not tear off her clothes, bend her over, and show her exactly how fast all doubts could be shifted into wet moans.

Focus, man.

I ignored her stiff nipples poking into my chest. “Are you going to put some clothes on?”

“Can I wear your shirt?” she asked.

I wanted to growl. Now wasn’t the time to get my dick hard, but there it was growing inside of my jeans for the tenth fucking time that day. “Faith. . .”

“Please.” She released me and backed up, one step at a time. I knew where she was heading. The bed stood right behind her. In three more steps, she’d be there and I wouldn’t have any way to stop me from going to her.

I formed my hands into fists. “I’m. . .going down stairs.”

She took another step back. Those breasts perked up some more. The little upside-down triangle between her thighs glistened in the light. I knew she would be manicured down there. Everything about her was cultured, carved, and radiating perfection.

It was hard to get a hold of my thoughts. Blood no longer moved in my brain or heart. It pumped thick in my dick ready for me to slip and slide against that wet flower between her legs.

She took another step back.

“Faith.” I rubbed my face with my hands. “I’m just one man. And a regular one. I’m not superman or the pope. Put your fucking clothes on and stop messing with me.”

“I just need a few minutes to forget about this.”

“A few minutes?” I grabbed my dick.

“Give me a few minutes,” she whispered.

“It’s not going to be minutes.”

“No?” She pouted.


“Be my hero.”

“I’ve already saved you.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance