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I let go of his hand. “I’ll be fine. You should leave.”

“I should?”

In this quiet moment, Daniel slipped into my bloodstream, heated up my veins, and stirred my insides. A large part of it could’ve been that I’d lost my mind with these snow creatures. Another reason could be that I was lonely and horny as hell. Regardless, I didn’t need to do anything else rash tonight. I’d already melted Santa.

One should have daily kill limits.

“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” he asked.

“I’m sure.”

Please, let me be okay.

He dragged the next ten minutes out and then finally I convinced him to head home.

Daniel drove off and I rushed into the house, locked it up, and made sure my windows were closed. In my bedroom, I barricaded the door with chairs, stacking them right on top of the other. This way, if someone tried to come in, the chairs would fall to the ground and wake me up.

And then I’ll get Bruce Lee on their asses!

I was prepared for war. I had my blow torch next to my bed, along with hammers and knives. I’d found anything that was sharp and could be used as a weapon. I’d drank two cups of coffee to stay up through the night.

Maybe, the sculptures would be vulnerable in the daylight and I could go to sleep. They hadn’t come alive during the day.

Maybe they were like vampires or something.

I had no idea. It didn’t matter. There was no fucking way I was laying my head down on the bed and going to sleep.

Something was out there. The impossible had become possible. My ice sculptures lived and I didn’t know how it happened or why. I had no idea if they came in peace or would be all about evil.

I just knew two things.

One, I would fight and run to my last breath,

And two, it was time to move.


Chapter 5



t took me forever to fall asleep.

The sun came up and I stopped battling my eyelids.

They closed

and I sank.




into a dream.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance