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“Your father brought me back to his house because I was soaking wet. I took a shower, and he gave me his bathrobe to wear—”

“I don’t need the deets, Sarah.” Jazzy put both palms over her ears.

“Okay.” Sarah chuckled. “Let’s just say things were getting really heated between us, if you know what I mean.”

“I get it.” Jazzy held up a stop-sign palm.

“Andi’s mom pulled in the driveway, just when your dad and I were about to—”

Jazzy could barely remember a time when she and Andi weren’t rivals, but Sarah’s words knockedloose a memory. It had been a sleepover with several other eight-year-old girls, and they’d ganged up on Jazzy, teasing her for needing an inhaler and she’d started crying, which only fueled the taunts. Even now, she felt hot shame heat her cheeks. Was that the moment things had shifted between her and Andi?

“It was the first time you’d ever had a sleepover with anyone besides your aunt Raylene,” Sarah went on. “I think Andi’s mom, Sandy, wanted to date your dad. Sandy had just gotten divorced and was inviting you and your dad to things, but then I came back to Twilight and your father forgot all about Sandy.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“I don’t think they ever went out, but I think they’d made plans to take you both to the pajama party at Ye Old Book Nook if memory serves.”

“Instead, you and Dad hooked up.”

“Not that night. That night, Sandy brought you home at the most inopportune time. Sandy pulled up in the drive and your father panicked. He grabbed my clothes, stuffed them into my arms and shoved me out the back door while I was still wearing his bathrobe. It was Christmastime, and it was cold.”



“I can’t believe Dad did that to you.”

“He panicked. I understood. Not at the time though.” Sarah shook her head. “But after he groveled and offered a sincere apology.”

“I’m gonna have to get on him for that.” Jazzy wagged her head.

“Please don’t say anything. I didn’t tell you that story to embarrass your father. Just to let you know that when you date someone with kids, it can get complicated. That’s all.”

“I do appreciate you telling me, and I’ll keep that in mind.”

Sarah patted Jazzy’s hand again. “Be patient with Roan. He’s got a lot of stuff to work through.”

“I know.”

“And so do you, after Danny—”

“I’m over Danny.”

“That may well be true, but he was your high school sweetheart and you do live in Twilight, the romance capital of Texas, and he did get engaged to your frenemy. There’s emotion there. Don’t let that interfere with Roan. You’ve got enough to navigate with him being a single father.”

Jazzy considered telling Sarah about what had happened and ask her opinion about why Roan backed off, but that felt too personal. “I had no idea things were so dicey between you and Dad in the beginning.”

“Not dicey...” Sarah paused. “There were just a lot of things to work through before we could be together.”

“So, tell me this,” Jazzy said, noticing her tightening chest. “Despite all the obstacles you and Dad had in your path to happily-ever-after, was it worth the work?”

Sarah beamed bright and in that moment Jazzy understood where part of her own optimistic attitude had come from. “Oh absolutely, sweetheart. Not only did I get the love of my life, but I alsogot the best daughter in the whole world.” Tears in her eyes, Sarah reached across the table to envelop Jazzy in a loving hug.

This, Jazzy thought as she inhaled Sarah’s lovely scent.This is what I could one day have with Trinity.

Immediate fear flooded her.No, no. No thoughts like that.She and Roan were temporary. A rebound relationship. Casual fun. But, oh boy, if she didn’t stop these runaway feelings, she was going to get hurt.


Tags: Lori Wilde Romance