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Chapter 15

Once they were outside his bedroom, Roan hesitated.

“Change of mind?” Jazzy asked, her heart in her throat.

“Change of venue.” He pivoted on his heel and carried her down the hallway.

Boom, boom, boomwent her pulse. If she wanted to back out, now was the time. Jazzy did not want to back out, but she was scared. Not of Roan, but of her own tangled emotions. She tended to fall hard and fast. Or at least that’s how it had been with Danny. He’d been her only serious relationship to date, so she didn’t have much to go on. Sex with Roan would cement her budding feelings for him.

Was she really ready for that step?

“Second thoughts?” he asked, eerily reading her mind.

She tightened her arms around his neck and peered into his eyes. “Areyouhaving second thoughts?”

“I am not, but there’s no harm in waiting. I want this to be special, Jazzy. I want it to be right.”

“Which is why you’re taking me to the spare bedroom?”

“I thought it’d be better than the bed I shared with Claire.”

“Spot-on.” Now things were starting to get weird, and they’d lost the sexual momentum they’d built up on the patio.

He set her down in front of the guest room door. “Still sure?”

In answer, she took hold of his shirt in both fists and stared him straight in the eyes. “Kiss me!”


“Don’t blow this, Sullivan.”

“Pun?” He chuckled.

A noise of frustration burst from her throat and she pushed him against the door, pressing her soft body into his hard one. The man was pure muscle. His eyes widened and his smile faded. “Jazzy—”

“Shh, shh.” She undid the buttons on his shirt and separated the material, her mind going wild at her boldness.

Was she truly doing this? Taking charge? Showing him exactly what she wanted from him? Her brazenness surprised her. She was more of a follower than a leader, but there was something about Roan that brought out her secret wild woman. She’d been dreaming of this for days.

“There’s no need to rush,” he said. “Mom won’t bring Trinity back until midmorning tomorrow. We have all the time in the world.”

Did the idea of time scare her? Was that why she was rushing things? Was she afraid Roan wouldchange his mind, and this would slip through her hands? What did she really want from him? Hot sex? Or something more? But how could she hope for something more when they were both on the rebound and she’d leave town in January?

“I’m afraid,” she said and then hiccuped.

“Afraid of what?” His tone was so gentle, so understanding that it scared her even more.

“I’m afraid...”

“Yes?” He waited.

“I’m not experienced enough for you. Danny is the only guy I’ve ever been with.”

He sucked in an audible breath. “Ahh,” he said. “NowI’mscared. How can I live up to the love of your life?”

“Danny wasn’t the love of my life. He was just my first boyfriend.”

“There’s nothing like your first love, Jazzy.”

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance