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“Absolutely,” Sarah said.

“Now Danny dims his light so Andi can shine. Funny how that worked.”

“That’s his problem. You deserve an authentic relationship. Try not to let the past weigh you down too much, sweetheart.”

Rebound sex with Roan sounded better and better. “I’m working on it.”

“Good girl.” Sarah gave Jazzy a hug and got into her car. “If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.”

Roan sat on the gurney holding Trinity in his lap while Charlie Cheek sewed up her chin. Trinity had cried a little when Charlie numbed her skin with lidocaine, but she was a trooper.

Anxious of Jazzy’s return, he kept glancing at the door. He missed her. It was just the three of them in the room—Charlie, Roan, and Trinity. Rio had gone to the cafeteria to get them some coffee. He knew it was an excuse. His sister tended to get weak-kneed at the sight of blood. Roan wanted to ask Charlie personal questions about Jazzy, but it seemed out of line.

“Hey, Charlie,” a woman’s voice called from the doorway.

Charlie was in the middle of a stitch and didn’t look up. “What do you want, Andi?”

Roan glanced over to see the nurse who was eyeing him like he was Wagyu beef.

“What happened?” Andi asked, her eyes rounding as she entered the room.

“I thought it was your day off. Weren’t you and Danny going cake tasting?” Charlie asked.

“We were, but I got called in since so many nurses are out with a flu. Had to rain check the cake.”

That explained why Danny had been throwing a coin into the fountain when he was supposed to be wedding cake tasting with his fiancée.

“So, you’re down here why?” Charlie’s words came out muffled from behind his medical mask.

“My latest pediatric admit left a teddy bear down here. Have you seen it?” Andi sidled closer to Roan and Trinity.

“Did you check the front desk?”

“First thing I did,” Andi said a little tartly.

“Haven’t seen it,” Charlie grunted.

Trinity wriggled. “I—”

Charlie, who’d started in on the final stitch, paused, the needle halfway in his daughter’s chin.

“Shh, try and sit still, honey,” Roan coached her. “Charlie’s almost finished. You’re doing great. Just a little bit longer.”

Trinity pointed to the far corner of the room. Everyone turned to see where Trinity was pointing. There, on the floor, was a much-loved blue teddy bear with a missing eye.

“Ahh, there it is. Thank you for your sharp eye, Trinity.” Andi picked up the teddy bear and tucked it under her arm. She paused at the door, watching as Charlie completed the last stitch and clipped off the dangling thread with suture scissors. “Could I speak to you a moment, Roan?”

Not Mr. Sullivan.Roan.As if they were on familiar terms. “Now?”

“It won’t take a sec.”

“I’m in the middle of something important, Andi.” Roan did not want to talk to the woman. What was taking Jazzy so long?

“Charlie just finished.” Andi waved at Charlie, who’d gotten up off his stool to put the suture needle into the red sharps disposal container mounted on the wall.

“What’s this about?” What was the woman up to?

“The cowboy cookie challenge.”

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance