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“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” he said. “It’s not easy being a single parent.”

“I bet,” she said. “I saw my dad go through it with me. And he struggled a lot until he met my stepmother, Sarah.”

“We own a couple of your stepmom’s books. I try to read Trinity to sleep every night.”

“See, my dad read to me too.” Jazzy’s heartstrings tugged. “It’s a sweet tradition I hope to pass onto my own kids.”

“You want children?”

“Oh yes.” Jazzy beamed just thinking about it. “At least three, although my personal motto is ‘the more the merrier.’”

“Wow,” he said. “Three kids are a lot.”

“You don’t want more children?”

“I gotta concentrate on the one I have. Trinity comes first.Always.”

“I could see how that might cause problems if you remarried.” She paused. “Working on a Pediatric Ward, I often see blended families that didn’t really blend. People who refer to the stepkids ashisorherchildren. I mean technically, they aren’t related, but if you make a show of ‘my’ kids versus ‘your’ kids, how is a family supposed to solidify?”

“I have no plans to get remarried.”


“I’m just not interested. Claire was one in a million and lightning just doesn’t strike twice.”

“That’s not true.” Jazzy locked eyes with him.

“What?” He startled.

“There was a big old oak tree in my backyard when I was growing up and it got hit by lightning three times.”



“Hmm.” Roan turned to eye the ingredients she assembled. “Did you bring eggs?”

“Oh gosh.” She smacked her forehead with her palm. “I left them sitting out on the counter at home.”

“No worries,” he said. “I have chickens. Fresh eggs are always in my fridge.”

“Sounds nice.”

“It is. Trinity’s named all ten of ours after Disney princesses.”

“How cute! I wish I could keep chickens. Alas, I live in the middle of town.”

“You can always come here for fresh eggs,” he offered. “Anytime you have a hankering.”

Was “fresh eggs” code for something else? She darted a glance at him. He was smiling gently. Did shewantit to be something else?

Sudden heat spread through her body, and she quickly dropped his gaze.

“I’ll go get the eggs,” he said.

Watching him walk into the house, Jazzy exhaled and sagged against the outdoor sink. Her revved body tensed in a sexy way. Dear heavens, she was hot for the man.

Very hot.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance