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Chapter 5

Monday, December 5, was the first day of Jazzy’s three-week vacation and the day after Trinity was released from the hospital. That morning, she received a three-word text from Roan along with a link.

Up on YouTube.

Aflutter, she marched to the Twilight Chamber of Commerce and submitted her entry in person. She was doing this thing. No backing out now.

The move turned out to be a big mistake.

She should’ve watched the YouTube videos of Roan and his wife before committing. She sat down with her gray tabby, Sabrina, in her lap and two recordings into their series, theBasics of Campfire Cooking, Jazzy was ready to throw in the towel. The only thing preventing her from calling up the Chamber of Commerce and forfeiting her nonrefundable $125 entry fee was Charlie.

Before she’d ventured into the third video, subtitled “Cast Iron Baking,” she sent him an urgent text.


Charlie also had the day off. He texted back right away.B there in 2 shakes of a Lambchop’s tail.

She felt better. The cavalry was coming. Although Charlie wasn’t a baker either, it felt good to have support. While she waited for him, she put on the kettle to make pumpkin spice tea and gathered the supplies listed in the video description.

Ten minutes later, after a cursory knock at the door, Charlie strolled into Jazzy’s neo-retro 1950s kitchen. She’d painted the cabinets and drawers sea foam green and installed black granite countertops along with white appliances. The chrome and pink table and chairs had come from Rinky-Tink’s, an old soda fountain shop that had gone out of business, and Jazzy had refurbished them herself. Framed black-and-white photographs on the walls featured her travel dreams—Paris, Amsterdam, London, Madrid. She might not be a baker, but thanks to her dad, she knew her way around power tools.

“Never fear, Charlie’s here.” He bent to scratch Sabrina, who was eeling around his legs and gazing at him with rapt eyes. “Whatcha gonna do with Miss Priss here when you’re trotting the globe with Traveling Nurses?”

“Dad and my stepmom, Sarah, promised to lookafter her,” Jazzy said wistfully. Leaving Sabrina wouldn’t be easy. “IfI get the job.”

“If youtakethe job.”

Jazzy thrust out her chin. “Oh, I’m taking it.”


“Pfft.” She flipped her wrist over her opposite shoulder and swiveled her head toward him. “Yes. How’s your nose?”

“It’s fine. A little sore. The swelling is gone. Not broken.”

“So fine?”

“It’s miserable.”

“I am so sorry about hitting you with the mike stand.” Jazzy clasped her hands to her chest. “How can I make it up to you?”

“Forget about it.” He came to peer over her shoulder where she stood at her laptop and pressed his chin against the top of her head the way he used to do when they were kids.

“What do you want in the way of amends? I’ll pay any penalty.”

Charlie slanted his head. “Honestly?”

“No, lie to me.”

“Reattach my towel rack with your power tools.”

“All you need is a screwdriver.”

“See. You’re perfect. You know things like that. Fix my towel rack and all is forgiven.”

“You’ve got it.”

“So.” He leaned in closer for a better look at the computer screen. “What’s cookin’, good-lookin’?”

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance