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“It’s okay. Everybody plays the fool sometimes.”

“You’re so kind, Jazzy. I hope you get everything you want in life.”

“Ditto, Danny.”

“Hey.” He gave a wistful grin. “Look at us. Being mature and stuff.”

“We’ve learned a lot.”

“We have.”

They gazed at each other, and she could see respect and admiration for her in his eyes. She feltthe same for him. It had taken a lot of courage for Danny to come here and admit his mistakes. He’d grown. They both had.

“For what it’s worth, I think this Roan guy is good for you. I’ve never seen you as happy as you are with him.”

“Nah, Roan and I are just...” What were she and Roan? “Having a good time.”

“I’m happy for you. Maybe your relationship with Roan could be more than that?”

“Maybe.” She was afraid to hope for more. “What do you plan on doing now?”

Danny shrugged. “Honestly, I’m thinking of joining the army.”

“Like your dad?”

“Yeah. I almost joined when we were dating, remember?”

“Spinal meningitis and Guillain-Barré got in your way.”

“You were there for me the whole time. I can never repay you.”

“You don’t have to repay me. We may no longer be in love, Danny, but I’ll always have love for you in my heart.”

“Same here, Jazz. I wish I hadn’t hurt you. I didn’t treat you right and I’m sorry. Can you forgive me?”

“If you can forgive me.”

“You didn’t do anything that needs forgiving.”

“I didn’t support you in the way you needed. You needed a shoulder to cry on, not a perky cheerleader trying to rah-rah you out of your doldrums.”

“You loved me in your sweet Jazzy way. It was my fault for not appreciating you.”

She wasn’t going to lie. His validation felt good. “You’ll find someone who matches you, Danny. I have full confidence in that.”

“Anyway, I just needed to let you know that Andi cheated.”


Danny stood up. “Can I have a hug before I go?”

“Absolutely.” Jazzy got up and crossed the room, enveloping her former lover in a tight embrace.

When they stepped apart, Danny’s eyes were misty. Hers too.

“Come on,” she said and slipped her arm around his waist. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

While spending the afternoon with Trinity and his parents at the North Pole Village, it occurred to Roan that his time with Jazzy had come to a natural end. They’d had a goal. Teach Jazzy to bake so she could compete in the challenge. They’d achieved that goal, even if it hadn’t been the outcome Jazzy wanted.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance