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“It’s healing just fine.”

“Well, take care with it,” he cautioned.

“I’ll do my best. Happily, for me, the best physician’s assistant in Texas is in the stands.”

“Don’t even start with that. You’re going to be fine. This whole thing is going off without a hitch.”

“Hey, look at you. Are you taking over my job as the optimistic one?”

“I believe in you.” Charlie’s smile widened. “And I love you.”

“Love you too.”

“I’m gonna scoot. That lady at the registration table is giving me the evil eye. She muttered something about some contestants having too many well-wishers. As if there’s such a thing as too many people wishing you well.” Charlie waved a hand. “Oh, I meant to ask, did you ever hear back from the Traveling Nurses?”

“Yes.” She’d gotten a voice mail from TravelingNurses, and they’d wanted her to schedule a final interview.

“Don’t keep me hanging in suspense.”

“I’m not going.”

“Why not? What happened to traveling the world? Getting the heck out of Twilight.”

Jazzy searched for Roan in the stands. He was bouncing Trinity on his knee. They both waved and her heart swooned. “I love my hometown.”

Charlie followed her gaze. “Ahh, I see.”

“I’m not turning down the job for Roan. We’re not at that stage where we would change our lives for each other.”

“Then why aren’t you going to interview again?”

“I applied for the job to get away from Danny and Andi, but I’ve realized how stupid that is. I’m not going to let them control my life.”

“Good on you, Lambchop.” Charlie kissed her cheek. “Break a leg. I’ll be in the stands with your man, rooting for you.”

Her folks showed up next. Dad and Sarah and her mother, Crystal, with her husband, Tim, before they jetted off to Aspen the following day. Everyone hugged her and wished her well.

Jazzy waved goodbye. Her family joined Charlie and the Sullivans in the bleachers. Heck, her people took up half the stands. It felt so good to have so much support.

Roan and Jazzy might have decided to take their relationship at a leisurely pace, but their families were already mingling and merging. If things didn’t work out with them it would get uncomfortable.

Bolstering herself with a deep breath, Jazzy pushed aside thoughts of a future with Roan and turned her attention to the firepit. She checked her watch. The competition started in two minutes.

Contestants were rushing around with last-minute prep. She felt a tickling sensation on her nape and swiveled her head.

And saw Danny staring at her forlornly.

Her stomach catapulted into her throat. He was inside the arena, standing beside Andi, who was talking fast, frowning, and gesticulating. Apparently something had gone wrong at her firepit.

Jazzy smiled kindly at him and raised her hand.

Danny raised his in return.

Once upon a time, she’d thought she’d marry this man. Now she just felt sorry for him.

Andi saw Danny wave, and she shot Jazzy a malevolent stare. Jazzy thought about going over to wish her well in the competition but decided Andi would take it the wrong way. Minding her own business, Jazzy went back to cataloging her items. Soon after, the contest representative, Linda Godwin, entered the pavilion and took her place on a small makeshift stage, followed by a camera crew.

Goodness, Jazzy had no clue the event was being filmed. Feeling flustered, she smoothed her hair and adjusted her apron. She was ready.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance