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Jackson disappears for a moment before returning with a few more drinks and before I know it, we’re outside in the cool breeze, dancing and grinding against all the bodies and having the time of our lives. I laugh out when Jackson stumbles into the girl behind him and she turns around to give him a piece of her mind, but after taking in his sexy as fuck face, her whole demeanor changes, but Jackson wouldn’t even notice. Though, I don’t know what has him stumbling. He’s driving tonight and has been strictly sticking to water.

Arms circle my waist and I look back over my shoulder to find Lukas grinning back at me. He instantly nuzzles my neck and that familiar need pulls within me. “What happened to you? I thought you were coming to find me an hour ago.”

“Sorry,” I laugh, gesturing to my friends. “I got distracted.”

Lukas looks up at Tora and a strange smirk crosses his lips which has her glaring back at him in disgust, but as he squeezes my waist, every thought melts from my mind.

His hand slides down my waist and finds my hand before he pulls me away. I glance back at Tora to find her watching me leave. I try to tell her that I’ll be back but a pissed off scowl crosses her face as she turns towards Jackson.

What the hell has her panties in a twist? I hope she’s not pissed off with me for letting Lukas pull me away. It just kind of happened and it’s not like she hasn’t done the exact same thing to me countless of times at parties with Nate. Though come to think of it, she’s been pulling me in the opposite direction of Lukas all night.

I shrug it off and let Lukas pull me into his group of friends. Naturally, they’re all football players, but not the ones that Jackson usually hangs out with. These guys are rougher. There are joints being passed around between the players and I even gawk for a moment when Lukas accepts and takes a hit. I’m no prude and I’m certainly no stranger to the occasional joint, but for some reason, this completely throws me off.

I try to put it to the back of my mind. The guys have been training hard and just won a game a few nights ago. They’re probably wanting to let loose and enjoy their night just as everyone else is doing.

Lukas’ arm circles my waist again and he starts moving to the music. I dance with him around his friends and before I know it, he lets me pull him back onto the dance floor. We somehow end up against the wall with his tongue down my throat and my arms pulled tightly around his neck. I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the alcohol but for some reason, I have this strange feeling pulsing through me, telling me that something more could come from this.

Am I falling for Lukas? I’m not sure, but he definitely has the potential to be my world. Though Maxen…shit. I need to stop doing this. I have another man’s tongue down my throat, I shouldn’t be thinking about him.

Needing a moment to freshen up, I pull back and glance up at Lukas. “Hey, I need to pee.”

He grins as though it’s an open invitation to fuck me in the bathroom and instantly starts pulling me along.

We stand outside the bathroom door and after it takes so long, the need to actually pee creeps up on me. The door finally opens and Jackson and Tora come striding out. What the fuck is this?

If they weren’t laughing like hyenas, I’d think something was going on there, but knowing the two of them, they’re up to no good.

Tora finds me and grabs hold of my hand, pulling me out of Lukas’ grasp. “Come on, there’s another bathroom down here. This one is no good.”

Jesus. I can only imagine what these idiots have done to the bathroom.

Trusting her with every piece of my soul, I follow her along and true to her word, she finds me a private bathroom after we break into some dude’s bedroom. Tora hangs out in the bathroom while I pee and I tell her all about my night, though she does the same and fills me in on all the stupid shit she’s been getting up to with Jackson, which I must admit, I’m a little annoyed I spent my night dancing with Lukas. It sounds as though Tora and Jackson have been having a hilarious night.

Once we’re finished, Tora takes my hand and leads me back through the crowd and just when I think we’re about to grab another drink, she pulls me out the front door, looping her arm through mine as we walk out into the fresh air.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance