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As the words come out of his mouth, jealously pours through me and it has me confused for a moment before I begin to understand it. I’m not jealous of him being with Kaylah and being her fucking hero, it’s the fact that he gets to be a hero to the woman he’s madly in love with.

I’d give anything to be in that position, and right now, had that been Brooke, I would have had to sit back and watch as Lukas ran in to be her knight in shining armor and it doesn’t sit well with me at all.

I have to fix this and it starts now.

From now on, I’m getting my girl back and I don’t care how fucking long it takes. Brooke Logan is mine, always has been and always will be. The only issue is proving that to her.

Chapter 7


I don’t think I’ve ever been to such a big party. People are literally pouring out of it. When the door opens, someone falls out, and I have absolutely no doubt that this night is going to end with the cops being called.

The music is blasting and is heard from way down the street and all it does it make me giddy with excitement. Tora loops her arm through mine as Jackson walks behind us, either checking out our asses or not wanting to be seen walking around with two girls who are laughing like hyenas and embarrassing the shit out of him.

We squeeze our way through the door and my ass gets grabbed at least three times. It’s not great, but damn, it makes me feel kind of sexy. I mean, nobody comes to parties like this if a little ass-grabbing is going to offend them. It’s college, it’s time to live it up and let go of what doesn’t matter. Though I do notice that the second guys start getting handsy with me and Tora, Jackson is suddenly a lot closer than he was a moment ago, and either he’s putting his over-protective tendencies to practice or he’s terrified of getting yet another ass whooping from Nate if his girl was to get hurt. I’d go with option two, always option two.

I spy the kitchen counter piled high with bottles upon bottles of alcohol and start making my way towards it, only Tora grabs my hand and steers me away. “Hey, what gives?” I say, trying to be heard over the music but as she smiles and bobs her head to the music, it’s clear she hasn’t heard me.

Rolling my eyes at her goofy grin, I start looking out for Lukas. It’s a party at one of his teammate’s homes so I have no doubt that he’s here somewhere. I spy some guys through the back window who I’m pretty sure are the guys on the football team and I start making my way toward them when Tora points out a few of the girls that we used to go to high school with. We head over with beaming smiles and say a quick hello, at least, I was hoping for a quick hello, but Tora has other plans in mind.

She hangs around and chats and I instantly get bored. This is one of the biggest parties that we’ve ever been to. It probably rivals one of Jesse’s parties and she wants to hang around with some girls who probably spent the last few years bitching about us while neither one of us has a drink in our hands? No thanks.

I don’t want to be rude and tell her to cut her conversation short, so I leave her to it while deciding that I can at least solve the other issue.

I head over to the kitchen counter and start pouring us some drinks, only I get halfway through when I feel my phone vibrating in my bra. I pull it out and smile down at the screen.

Lukas – Hey, babe. Are you here yet?

Brooke – Just getting a drink. I’ll come and find you in a minute.

A goofy as fuck grin crosses my face. It’s been a few weeks with Lukas and so far, it’s incredible. That issue from our first time together never resurfaced and I’m starting to wonder if I’d imagined the whole thing.

I go back to Tora and hand her a drink. I’m just about to tell her that I’m going to go find Lukas when Jackson grabs hold of us both and drags us out to the dance floor, saying something about loving the song that’s playing. I roll my eyes and go with it. The song is Lil Jon and LMFAO’s ‘Shots’ and well, who the hell doesn’t love this?

As the whole party starts chanting the chorus, I decide Lukas can wait. This is something I don’t want to skip out on. These are our college memories that we’ll be thinking about for years to come.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance