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After taking care of business, I open the bathroom door to find Kaylah waiting impatiently with her arms crossed over her chest and an irritated look on her face. “Hurry up,” she snaps.

“Jesus Christ, Kaylah. Give me two fucking minutes.”

“I don’t have two minutes.”

I ignore her before walking into the kitchen and searching through the cupboards for something to eat when Kaylah grows annoyed and tears off a banana from the bunch and slams it into my chest. She steals my car keys from my pocket and turns on her heel before stalking to the door. “Guess I’ll take myself.”

My eyes bug out of my head. No way in hell.

“Over my dead fucking body,” I seethe, racing after her. “I only just got that car.”

Kaylah spins around with a glare. “That can be arranged.”

I ignore her comments and tackle my keys out of her hand as mom scolds us from the living room. “Get the hell out of here. I’m not paying all those damn fees for you two idiots to be late.”

Kaylah glares at me, more than ready to make the rest of my morning a living hell and I give in, grabbing my shoes from the front door. “Fine, but even the slightest bit of attitude from you and I’ll leave you on the side of the road and you can walk your ass to school.”

Kaylah grins as though she’s won some sort of competition and strides out the door, knowing perfectly well that she’s done everything in her power to inconvenience me this morning. Don’t get me wrong, this is all a show to get payback for my big fuck up and prove just how pissed off she is.

Usually, my sister is a fucking angel. I absolutely adore her, but she has a mean streak when she needs to and she knows exactly how to get what she wants, just like she’s doing right now. I miss the Kaylah from two months ago. The one who would make me breakfast in the morning and tell me all her secrets.

I hurt her in a big way and I deserve her hostility. Had I known the outcome of my actions, I never would have done it, though that seems to be my motto lately. Kaylah is the most important thing in my world. She’s my baby sister and I love her with everything that I have, but I’m scared that this time, I pushed her too far. I fear that I won’t ever have the same, carefree, loving relationship that we once had.

I need to fix this and I need to do it fast, but I can see that she’s not ready, not even close.

Realizing I’m out of options, I follow her out the front door and drop down into my Charger, prepared and ready for the next twenty minutes of complete and utter silence while I silently die inside.

Chapter 2


The last few months have fucking sucked.

After the accident with Nate, everything went to shit. How could I have known that was going to happen? If I did, there was no way I would have raced him that night, and what’s worse, the dickhead and his band of followers think I did it on purpose and haven’t given me even the slightest chance to prove my innocence. Though, it’s not like I’ve made it any easier for myself.

I moved to Broken Hill High a little while before the accident, knowing it was a bad idea. Unfortunately, the football program here outweighs the one at Haven Falls by miles. I may have been the glorified quarterback there with colleges watching me, but I knew in the long run that Broken Hill High was my best option. So far in the grand scheme of things; I was right. But where it comes to the social aspect of being here; I couldn’t have fucked up more.

Haven Falls Private has been at war with Broken Hill High for years, and me stepping foot onto their turf automatically made me an outcast. I proved myself in the first two weeks and worked my ass off on the football field, earning my position as the quarterback and the new golden boy of Broken Hill, but that didn’t extend to everyone.

Over the past few months, I haven’t been able to stop butting heads with Nate and his crew, making convincing them that I’m not the enemy a big fucking challenge.

After the accident, they were certain that I’d done it on purpose. It didn’t help that Nate and I were constantly at each other’s throats before that and I’d publicly made a point of hitting on his girl.

He was fine, by the way, so fine in fact that he made a point of making my life difficult.

Following the accident came Josh Fucking Henderson. The bastard dropped me in it big time. Being in Nate’s position comes with enemies and Josh Henderson is at the top of the list. He attacked Tora and got himself kicked off the team and out of the school which in turn opened the position for me to take. His vendetta against Nate and his friends drove him to jump Puck, and once Nate caught up with him, the opportunistic bastard claimed I’d paid him to do it.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance