Page 40 of Broken Rules

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“Yes, all good.” I rise on my toes, curious whether such a blatant manifestation of feelings will bother him while everyone who can see us watches us with wide eyes.

He doesn’t skip a beat when I close his lips with mine, smiling and satisfied that he won’t hide me like a dirty secret. We take the metal staircase and stop by the bar upstairs. Dante stands behind me, hands gripping the countertop, arms boxing me in, his protectiveness in the highest gear.

No one complains when the bartender walks past ten guys, reaching for a tall glass as he turns to face us. “Mojito?” he asks, even though he’s not the same bartender that was here two weeks ago.

“And the usual for everyone,” Dante says.

“I’ll send a waitress over in five.”

I’m overcome with stage fright once we move toward the largest booth in the club. Two half-moon white leather sofas that easily fit twenty people face each other, and a round metal table stands in the middle. A tall sheet of glass separates the booth, either protecting whoever is there or dulling down the music.

I tug my hand free from Dante’s grip, and brush my hair out of my face for the hundredth time when I spot two blonde Goddesses worthy of a Miss America title. Then, auburn locks catch my eye, the owner a stunning girl who laughs with her arms wrapped around Luca’s neck.

“They should envy your sense of style.” Dante halts me mid-step. “Miniskirts and boobs showing are trademarks of undervalued teens. You look like a real woman.”

“I’d say I look like a well-behaved schoolgirl.”

The corners of his mouth twitch, eyes roving down my body. “Every man’s fantasy.”

“Girls at school hated me because of Frank. It’d be nice if these beauties at least refrain from talking behind my back.”

“You won’t escape that. They’ll talk because you’re here with me.” He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “You’re the first girl I’ve brought here, Star.”

Way to make me even more nervous.

“Clockwise,” he says, starting with Rookie. “You know this one, his girl Jane, Spades, Nate and Bianca, Cai and Luna, Sandra and Luca. The smartass at the end is Jackson.”

Compared to the four girls, I look like I fled a seminary for nuns. They’re wearing flashy, revealing dresses, their necks adorned with more jewelry than any jewelry store I’ve ever been to. Despite the visual difference between us, I feel welcome. Furthermore, Sandra, the owner of auburn hair and a pretty, freckled face, smiles at me over the table as if we’re best friends.

“I think I know you from somewhere,” I say, looking at Jane. “Don’t we have sociology lectures together?”

“Yes! Where’s your bodyguard? God! Newson was fuming when she brought him to class!” she tells Rookie, squeezing his arm.

“Burly’s off the hook now. Frankie no longer cares about my safety.”

Dante leans closer, whispering in my ear. “That’smyjob now.” He pecks my temple.

A waitress brings a tray with drinks a moment later, handing out twelve glasses to their respective owners. The mojito tastes much better than the ones I made at Dante’s house.

I listen to the conversations for half an hour, joining in whenever I can so they won’t think I’m rude. I am, but I’m making an effort not to be tonight. The girls seem friendly, but I’m immediately drawn to Bianca. She reminds me of Allie with one difference: a sense of humor. Allie has none, while Bianca’s a full-on joker. She’s goofing around, making everyone chuckle when she swears like a sailor, lighting one cigarette after another.

The waitress brings over fresh drinks five minutes later, and the men rise from their seats.

“A few things that need taking care of,” Dante says, kissing me softly. “Back in half an hour.”

“It’s like this every week,” Bianca explains, noticing my confusion. “They have a drink with us, then go away. They’re usually back within the hour. You’ll get used to it.”

That depends on how long I’ll be by Dante’s side.

Sandra leans over the table, all smiles, and wide eyes. “Go on! Walk us through it! How did you two get together? Luca says you came here two weeks ago.”

“It’s the only place in Chicago where my father’s people aren’t welcome. I needed a breather without his men watching my every move.”

Jane beams, joining in. “How did you get Dante himself to fall at your feet? He’s not easily impressed. I’ve been dating Rookie for a year, but I haven’t seen Dante leave the club with a woman. Not even once. What did you do to him?!”

“Um... nothing. I asked him to leave me alone when he offered to buy me a drink.”

Sandra exchanges a knowing look with Bianca and Jane. “So, you played hard to get?”

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic