Page 4 of Broken Rules

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“If I remember right, you were the one leaving.”

“That’s what I’m doing,” I fling my bag over my shoulder.

“Sit down.” He clinks his glass to a fresh mojito waiting on the counter. “You wanted to have a few drinks somewhere Frankie’s vultures won’t find you. You’re safe here.”


“I wanted to have a few drinksalone.” I take a seat, silencing the voice of reason urging me to lose my heels and sprint out of here. Instead, I give in to the plea of a different voice, one that’ll probably get me killed. “Spiked my drink, did you?” I raise the glass to my lips, my muscles relaxing with every sip.

“Obviously. You’re very snappy, Layla... nothing a good drug cocktail won’t fix.” His face is impassive, but his voice lacks credibility.

“You should’ve popped a few sleeping pills in here too. I only shut up when I’m asleep.”

He smirks again. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“What will you do when I’m all drugged up? Will you lock me in a golden cage? Send for ransom?” I set the glass aside, tilting my head toward him. “Sorry to clip your wings, but my father won’t pay a dime.”

Dante leans closer, one elbow on the bar, eyes boring into mine. “Will you tell me why you’re here?”

The smell of his heady, spicy cologne fans my face, captivating my senses better than any drug he undoubtedly has in his arsenal. Hiding the reason why I’m here makes little sense. Maybe the truth will scare him off? Although, I’m not sure I want him to leave.

“My boyfriend dumped me.”

“His loss, not yours, but I’m intrigued,” he says in a low voice I can barely hear over the growing background noise. “Why did he dump you?”

“I’ll make you a deal. You ask all your questions, I answer, and then you move on. Okay?” Getting rid of him is the wiser choice than entertaining us both.

“Are you in a hurry, or are you afraid of me?”

“He’s gay,” I counter.

Ishouldbe afraid. I also should leave, but fear is absent.

Dante’s intriguing. He emanates ruthless confidence, but when his eyes meet mine, I notice more in those alluring emeralds of his... kind of softness.

“Your boyfriend is gay? How have you not realized? You’re not very clever, are you?”

“Ex-boyfriend. If you want to laugh more, I’ll tell you this, he’s the third one. Well, the second gay, but boyfriend number one preferred boys too. The difference is that he wanted to be a she. It’s no longer Sam; it’s Samantha. I’m secretly jealous of her boobs.”

Dante’s gaze roves my chest. “Yours aren’t bad.”

“Could be better.”

A mixture of great music, alcohol, and surprisingly enjoyable company helps me relax. Once I get home, I'll have to deal with being used in my father's puppet show again. Deal with my life being controlled at every turn. I’m two hours shy of turning nineteen, but no one has ever kissed me because Frank keeps all heterosexual men away from me.

My bag vibrates on the counter, the incoming call from Frank’s right-hand man, Adam.

Ah, so it begins...

I slide my thumb across the screen. “I report, I’ve not been kidnapped by aliens or the opposition.”

A nervous laugh is his first answer. “Where are you?”

Lying is an option, though I’m not a good liar. I’m sure there’s a reason why Adam’s calling—my father’s orders. I left an hour ago without a word, and that’s enough for Frank to raise the alarm. He keeps tabs on me, controlling my life to ensure I won’t cause him trouble. He plans my every move and watches me chase the carrot dangling from the stick.

I glance at Dante, my nerve endings firing with sudden bravery. “I’m in Delta.”

Adam inhales sharply, holding his breath as if I just admitted I murdered Elmo. “Voluntarily?”

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic