Page 23 of Broken Rules

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Fuck people.

Fuck caution and scavenger hunts.

Fuck the three-date rule.

Five minutes talking to Layla, and I wanted us to talk for hours. One kiss and I wanted to kiss her every day. One missed call, and she’s all I can think about. I want her. I want to know what she likes, what makes her smile, and what makes her frown. I want to find out if there’s abest beforedate on the intense attraction. Who cares that we met three days ago? If I haven’t gotten bored yet... she’s extraordinary.

“Your self-esteem is too low. I know you well enough to have a dozen reasons why I want you close.”

Layla moves her weight from one foot to another, toying with her bracelets. “One of those reasons might be my father.”

“No.” I curl my fingers under her chin, tipping her head so she’ll look at me. Her eyes swim with uncertainty laced with sadness that bothers me more than I care to admit. I dip my head, stealing a short, sweet kiss. “Baby, I wasn’t looking for you.Youcame over to Delta.”

Her face tells me everything I don’t want to know—my words won’t change anything. Frank brainwashed her like the pro he is. The manipulative bastard stops at nothing. He knows Layla, so he knows exactly where to push for the desired result.

And even though she’s strong, she’s fragile.

“I don’t trust you,” she utters, her voice small, defeated. “Don’t make this harder than it is.”

There’s no changing her mind. At least she answered the question that kept me awake for two nights. She doesn’t need attention as much as I thought she did.

Otherwise, Frank’s arguments would’ve hit a wall.

And now I can’t care less if she wants to be kissed and hugged all the time. Iwanttodo it but can’t because she won’t give me a chance. She won’t take the risk.

Human nature is fucking ridiculous.

When she was mine to take, I hesitated... and that hesitation possibly cost me the only thing I ever wanted this badly.



“I’ll be at yours in like half an hour.” Allie’s voice sounds loud and clear through my phone’s speaker.

“Did I forget about something?”

Wardrobe doors slam on her side. “We’re going out on a double date. I found the perfect guy for you. Don’t even think about refusing. You’ve been absent-minded for two weeks because of Carrow. Enough is enough.”

True. Two weeks is a long time to lust after someone I spent two evenings with. Unfortunately, evicting Dante from my mind is a Sisyphean task. I can’t stop thinking about his lips, firm touch, and rough voice.

After I asked him to leave me alone, I checked my phone every few minutes, hoping he’d call. I also searched the crowds outside my college, hoping to see him, but he stopped seeking me out just as I asked.

So why am I disappointed?

Oh, that’s right.Ididn’t want him to leave. Frank did, and I hoped Dante wouldn’t listen. But he’s proud, decent, and apparently a man of his word. At least sometimes.

Too bad he started listening to meafterthe first kiss.

We’re two ends of a magnet. I’m North, he’s South, but we pull each other in against all odds. He won’t stop invading my thoughts, so maybe it truly is the right time for drastic measures. A blind date isn’t the brightest idea, but knowing Allie’s taste in men, I’ll take the risk.

“Who is he?” I ask.

Allie squeals. “I knew I’d convince you! He’s straight. I swear! I checked likethreetimes. We’ll talk more when I’m there. Take a shower!”

Twenty minutes later, I emerge from the ensuite bathroom with a towel on my head.

Allie’s already there, unpacking the trunks, littering my room with make-up and twenty different dresses. She enrolled for a part-time course to become a professional stylist a few months ago. Whenever she’s got an assignment, she uses me as her guinea pig.

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic