Page 16 of Broken Rules

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“You do. We already established you like the idea of being my first.”

I will be your first, little bug.I let go of her hand to squeeze the glass. I’m fucking lost in her mindset. As the layers of her personality shine through, the physical attraction proves less significant.

“It was a surprise kiss,” she says. “You can’t pull off surprise sex. Consciously, I won’t let you touch me.”

I refrain from laughing. As if her personality and body aren’t enough of a turn-on, she has to show her rebellious nature too.

Fucking perfection.

Her phone starts ringing in her bag. “I’m sorry, it must be Adam.” She slides her thumb across the screen, pressing the phone to her ear. “I’m fine. I’ll be back home alive in a couple of hours. Tell Frank I said so—” Her lips fall open, eyebrows knot in the middle. She glances between me and the screen, chewing on her lip. “It’s for you,” she whispers, handing over the phone and showing me the screen.

Frank Harston

It’s been two years since we talked, but I expected a chat the moment I decided to find Layla tonight. “Frank. What do you need?”

“Stay away from my daughter,” he snaps through gritted teeth. “Let her go.”

“She’s not tied to a chair.”

“Send her home. She’s young and fucking stupid. She only sees you to piss me off. Leave her be.”

“That’s the one thing I can’t do for you.”

Or anyone else.

“She’s a fucking kid, Dante!” A loud bang suggests he slammed his fist on a table or some other flat surface. “You’ll let the snotty brat use you?”

You havenoidea.

There’s not a single reason that would make me forget about Layla. In the brimming inventory of my flaws, one stops me from giving up—territoriality. By kissing me back, Layla showed she wants more than a drinking buddy for one evening. I’m a bit worried that I’m so possessive of her, but it’s also refreshing. I want her, and only she can tell me to leave her alone. Until then, she’s mine—a fantasy I hope to turn into reality.

“Like I said, she’s not tied to a chair. She can leave at any time.” I hand Layla the phone.

“Yes,Dad.” The disdain in her voice takes me by surprise. I don’t know why, but I expected her to be a Daddy’s girl. “He didn’t do anything!” she wails, her skin turning ashen. “You can’t boss me around! I’m all grown up!” She listens for a short while, then tosses the phone aside and storms out through the sliding patio doors.

Whatever Frank said, he hit a soft spot. He’s the most skilled manipulator I know. He can make anyone dance to his tune. He’s clever enough to fool his prey that they don’t even realize they’re being worked. My brainwashing skills can’t rival Frank’s, but I’d never manipulate Layla even if they did. I want her to,wantto be mine. That’s not to say I’ll just wave a white flag. Especially now when she’s torn between reason and emotions.

I finish my drink and, determined to get ahead, I join her on the terrace.



“Daddy told you to head home?” Dante rests his hands on the railing surrounding the terrace.

Chills slip down my spine, but the gusty wind is not the one to blame. It’s his closeness and the emotions he awakens inside me. It’s Frank’s words and his contradicting behavior. I’m confused. Unsure what to do. Unsure whether Frank meant what he said over the phone or if he’s scaring me into obedience.

The dark sky, speckled with bright stars, hangs above the vast lake in the distance calm, the air saturated with Dante’s cologne. I tear my gaze from the black canvas to look at him, his cheekbones like hewn in stone, expression emotionless.

“No,” I admit with a sigh. “He promised that Burly will end up in a body bag if I decide to see you again.”

“He won’t kill his man because you’re rebelling. Without my help, you wouldn’t escape Burly long enough to use the toilet.” Dante pulls me closer, nestling his face in the crook of my neck. “He’s bluffing.”

My eyes close when he moves his hands to my hips. A jab of fear comes first, but a wave of heat radiating off him calms me down. I’ve been treated with nothing but harsh, cold restraint for years and Dante’s tenderness is addictive. He’s a plaster for my neglected, bruised heart. I crave his attention, ignoring the inevitable consequences. I can’t fall for him, no matter how alluring the idea of what he offers—the closeness, concern, and wonder in his eyes. At the end of the day, he’s Frank’s enemy.

“Maybe, but I’d rather not test that theory or his patience. I don’t want Burly to get hurt because of me.” I turn my back on the majestic view, slipping out of Dante’s embrace. It’s hard to trust my reason when he’s close. “You've not answered my question. Why did you find me tonight?”

“Stop playing the fool, Star. You know why. I made myself quite clear in the middle of fucking Chicago.”

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic