Page 11 of Broken Rules

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“Burly?” He’s probably thinner than a rake. Most of Frank’s men have unfitting nicknames like in the movies where Shaggyis bald and Speedy is slow. “Is he new?”

“Yes, he’s Adam’s cousin.”

“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?” I hiss, pinning him down with a pointed stare that he hopefully understands because I can’t speak my mind when Jess is around. “If Dante wanted to use me, he wouldn’t have let me go home last night, don’t you think?”

Frank ignores my words in his usual style, heading inside, and slides the patio door shut behind him. Blood boils in my veins whenever he dismisses me, but I learned that arguing is pointless. Besides, I understand his reasoning. I should act according to his instructions...

A babysitter isn’t necessary, though.

At nine o’clock sharp, I enter a small restaurant in the city center. Allie gave me the silent treatment all day, busy hating my guts for keeping Adam outside Delta until dawn. She surrendered before seven p.m. and invited me out for a birthday drink. Burly follows me inside like a thin, starved shadow. The moment he started the job as my nanny, he made it a point to fulfill my father’s orders in great detail. He even followed me to the restroom and waited outside the door.

“So... I heard you spent last night with Dante Carrow,” Allie says, toying with a strand of platinum-blonde hair. She’s naturally a redhead but claims it doesn’t suit her. She bleaches the beautiful auburn locks every couple of weeks, so it’s a miracle she still has hair.

“Did your small birdy tell you all about it?” I emphasizesmall, glancing at Adam. Burly almost chokes on his soda, swallowing his laughter. “He joined me at the bar, but I’m still alive.”

“Layla, do you know why Dante and Frank hate each other?” Adam ignores my remark, running his hand through his short, dark hair.

He’s used to me by now and deals with my snappishness by meticulously ignoring it. He crosses his arms, ready to deliver another lecture. It’s our ritual. I annoy him, and he gives me vital life lessons. Not that he can teach me much, being four years older, but it doesn’t stop him from trying.

I never gave much thought to Frank’s and Dante’s hatred. They fight over territory. That much is obvious. I’m as interested in Frankie’s business activities as I am in a leech’s respiratory system. I grew up among criminals. Frank’s occupation isn’t odd. Quite the opposite. Being a mafia boss’s daughter is probably as natural to me as being a lawyer’s daughter is to Allie.

A few years back, in a spur of hormonal rebellion, I tried to draw a line between my parents and myself. I was ready to run, but the idea lost its appeal quickly. I doubt there’s a place in America I could hide from my father. Besides, deep down, I don’t mind Frank earning his money the way he does. I only hate when people stare or stop their conversations mid-sentence when I enter the corner shop.

Frank’s skating on thin ice. He could get busted any day, but nothing comes out of the many accusations despite having FBI, CIA, DEA, and a few other abbreviations hot on his tail.

“Six years ago, your father became the boss.” Adam starts in a news presenter’s voice.

“Call a spade a spade,” I snap. “Six years ago, Frank drowned Dino in Lake Michigan.”

Everyone knows the story. The whole city... God, the entirestatewas buzzing when the police fished out Dino. He was the boss before Frank took over. Italians ruled Chicago back then, and everyone, be it a lawyer, a cop, or a criminal, worked with them. After Dino’s death, Frank’s pawns guarded our house for months. My mother and I became prisoners because Frank was sure the Italians would retaliate.

It never happened.

“Dante was your father’s right-hand man,” Adam clips, glaring at me. “Frankie introduced him to our way of life twelve years ago. He taught him the craft. When Dino died, Frank and Carrow took overtogether.”

“Wait a minute, how come Dante never showed up at our house all these years?”

Adam scoffs, narrowing his baby-blue eyes. “He did. You just don’t remember. Frank barricaded himself away until the Dino backlash stopped being a problem, waiting for the Italians to take revenge. I’m sure you remember that.” He takes a swig of his drink, tapping his signet ring on the glass. “Dante stayed put too. When everyone forgot about Dino, he recruited his own people.”

I’m not the only one drinking Adam’s words as if he’s unraveling ancient secrets. Burly listens with flushed cheeks, mouth hanging open. I usually let Adam’s lectures in one ear and out the other, but this is different.

This is interesting.

“If it was Dante who left Frank, why do you all think he wants to take Frank’s place?”

“They both want to see each other dead.” Allie clicks her tongue while rolling her eyes, the same baby-blue color as Adam’s. If I didn’t know better, I’d think they are related. “Can we likechangethe subject? Why do you even care? You always avoid Frank’s business like the plague!”

Good question. I’m not sure why. Maybe because Dante doesn’t fit Frank’s description.

“Can you get us more drinks, babes?” Allie asks Adam, resting her hands on the table once he’s out of earshot. “Better tell me why Chase dumped you!”

“He’s gay.”

“Oh my God! Another one? What’s wrong with you?! Did your gay radar not develop in the womb?”

“Does your radar work?”

“Well, yeah... of course, it does!”

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic