Page 89 of Too Much

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Cody:Pick up your phone, asshole. We’re in the waiting room. No one’s telling us shit. How is she doing?

Mom: Theo, please call me. I’m worried sick!

Nico:Call me if you need anything. I’m helping Shawn.

I shoot Dad a text and reluctantly leave Thalia alone, knowing damn well the waiting room is packed with family by now. I don’t mind. I’m actually grateful they’re here. That they give a damn. It’s reassuring to know they’re ready to help whichever way they can.

Me: She’s asleep now. Shoulder set back in place.

As expected, it’s not just Mom and Cody waiting for news. All three of my youngest brothers sit in the uncomfortable plastic chairs, along with Jack and Logan. Even Cassidy, Mary-Jane, and Amy are here, tucked in the corner, out of everyone’s way, as if afraid they’ll bite.

“How is Thalia doing?” My mother is the first one up on her feet, a small travel bag tucked under her chair. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a hug while everyone gathers around us, eager to hear the details. “I was so worried when Shawn called. Are you okay? Do you need me to do anything? I can take Ares home or—”

“It’s okay, Mom. They set Thalia’s shoulder back in place. She’s got a mild concussion, but she’ll be okay. She’s asleep now. Her doctor wants to keep her overnight as a precaution, but I don’t think that’s necessary. She’ll be much more comfortable in her own bed than here.”

I don’t want her to spend the night at the hospital. There’s no way I’ll fit in the small bed with her, and there’s no way I won’t fucking try if her attending doesn’t let her go home.

“There’s no need for you to sit here. If something changes, I’ll call you. Thalia needs the rest, so none of you will see her tonight.” I peck Mom’s head. “Don’t worry, okay? She’s tougher than she looks. You can come by tomorrow when she’s home.”


I was eventually allowed to take Thalia home for the night. After the doctor huffed and puffed, adamant about changing our mind and keeping Thalia under observation. She’s not badly injured, so other than impressing my father, the mayor, he had no reason to keep her here.

After reassuring the doc that I’ll bring her back tomorrow for a check-up, he signed the release papers. Thalia’s arm is in a sling, and I’ve got a bag of painkillers and the supplies my mother brought over.

“Straight to bed,” I say as we walk inside the condo.

Ares is right there, but he’s not jumping high as per usual, as if he can sense that he shouldn’t. Instead, he stands on his back legs, sniffing Thalia’s sling.

She pats his head, still slightly confused thanks to the meds, but she nods at me, aiming for the bathroom. “I need a shower, and I think I’ll need help.” She points to the sling.

I follow her into the bathroom, pull her sweatpants and panties down, and then help her out of the t-shirt. I undress once she’s safely in the shower, standing under the stream, tilting her head to let warm water splash her face. A large bruise is already forming under her skin, a mixture of red and purple marking the shoulder, collarbone, and shoulder blade.

“How are you feeling?” I press her back to my chest.

“Tired, but I want us to talk.”

I take her healthy arm and spin her around, my mouth catching hers. She tries to block the kiss, lips in a thin line, one hand pushing me away, but I’m not having it. I grip her jaw and fight my way into her mouth until she gives up and lets me in. My tongue skims over hers, the kiss demanding but affectionate.

“I love you,” I say, resting my forehead on hers. “I love you, and nothing will change that.” I inch away but not before I peck her lips. “We’ll talk tomorrow. You need to sleep.”

She bites her lip, blinking a few times, and I think some of the droplets trailing down her cheeks are salty. “I love you too.”

“I know,omorfiá. I’m sorry I stormed out last night. I had to think and find a way to deal with what you told me.”

She bobs her head once, pressing herself to my chest. “Tomorrow. I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

The unease reappears. She sounds defeated. As if she’s waiting for ustoend once she says whatever is left to be said.

I push the thoughts aside, spin her around and wash her hair, probably doing a lousy job. I’ve never done this before, and Thalia’s got more hair than any woman I ever met, so it takes fucking ages. She’s silent throughout and doesn’t utter a word while I help her get dressed. I think she’s afraid that she won’t stop talking if she says one more word tonight.



“MORNING,” I say, standing in the doorway to the kitchen where Theo fiddles with the coffee machine, wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a plain white t-shirt.

He cocks his head to the side. “Morning. Why are you up?”

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic