Page 70 of Too Much

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“Sorry? You’resorry?Shit...” I lean over the table, pressing a kiss to her lips. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. I’m the one who should apologize. I turned this into a game for him when I pulled you away from him at the party.”

“Let it go, okay? Please. He’s not worth the trouble.”

“Youare. If he touches you again, I’ll break his hands.”

It takes all I have not to follow Dean, who’s currently at the bar, chugging a glass of whiskey like iced tea on a hot summer day, ignoring the host who’s politely trying to remove him.

Thalia’s not even through her first glass of wine when the bottle empties, the contents in Kaya’s bloodstream, affecting her motor skills. The waiter promptly brings another bottle, keen to impress my brother. The food arrives minutes later, and we go almost the entire meal without another shitstorm.

“Looks like my restaurant is real fucking popular.” Nico clips, grinding his teeth while he stuffs Kaya with two deserts to counteract the wine. I doubt sugar is what she needs. “Kai’s here with his wife.”

My head snaps toward the door, and my muscles tense. I should’ve known I’d bump into him again.

I should’ve mentally prepared.

“Is that...?” Thalia lowers her voice to a whisper. “Is that the guy who stole your game?”

“Yeah,” I say, topping-up hers and Kaya’s glasses with more wine. “Drink up. We’re leaving.”

Kaya downs the glass in one go, polishes off a warm apple pie slice, and grabs her bag all within thirty seconds of me calling it a night. “Let’s go toQ,” she suggests, bouncing in her seat.

“Not a bad idea,” Thalia admits.

I call the waiter over, glancing around the room, and my eyes land on Kai. He sits a few tables away, his eyes on me, a focused, determined look on his traitorous face.

Five minutes later, Nico settles the bill, too stubborn to let me take care of it.

“Do you want to drop the car off at home?” I ask once were safely outside after taking the long way out, navigating the perimeter of the room to stay a safe distance—i.e., more than a punch-landing distance—away from Kai. “We can get an Uber from your place.”

“No, I’ll drive. Wait here. I’ll bring the car around.”

When we arrived, the parking lot was packed to the brim, and he left the G-Wagon at the employee parking lot at the back of the building. He takes Kaya with him, either to keep an eye on her or initiate a quick fuck while Thalia and I wait.


My eyes close for a brief second. A hot glow sweeps over me from head to toe like a lit fuse of dynamite at the sound of Kai’s voice.

“Listen, man, can we talk? It’s important.”

Thalia steps away to stand behind me, still holding my hand, squeezing firmly as if she knows I might stay in control if she’s close. A whooshing sound reverberates in my head, but the rage I’m usually consumed by when I think about Kai fails to arrive.

Five years have passed since Kai stabbed me in the back, but the sense of betrayal and the all-consuming anger were always in the highest gear whenever I thought about Kai. I was bitter because he made a small fortune off our game, but since Thalia came into my life, money’s no longer my focus. She is.

The rage is still there but not as prominent anymore. Thalia keeps me in check, and the touch of her fingers around mine works like a strong tranquilizer.

“We need to talk,” he says again, sounding out of place. “Come on, man. It’s been years. I’m sorry, alright? Let it go.”

I turn around to find him closer than expected, mere three feet away. I might not care about money as much these days, but the sight of his stupid face has me raging, nonetheless. The fuse burns out, and the dynamite goeskaboom. No countdown, no warning, just an instant blast.

The next thing that registers with me is Kai on the ground, blood gushing from his nose.

“We have nothing to talk about.” I fume, shaking like an uncoiled spring. “Get the fuck out of my face, Kai.” I turn to Thalia just as Nico stops the car behind her, shooting out of the driver’s seat before the wheels come to a full stop.

Kai gathers himself off the ground, his spine like a metal rod now that my unpredictable brother is charging right at him.

“Get in, Thalia,” Nico booms, storming past her. “In!” She steps back, spins on her heel and joins Kaya at the back of the car, slamming the door. “What the fuck did I tell you?” Nico snarls, towering above Kai. He towers above ninety-five percent of people. “Stay away from him.”

“I just want to talk and explain, man. Fuck! I made a huge mistake back then, Theo. I was young! Fucking stupid.” He rubs his face, then wipes his bloody hands down the front of his pants. “I’m sorry. Truly. Come on, you gotta understand.” He steps toward me, but one look at my brother changes his mind.

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic