Page 68 of Too Much

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We both casually dated a few girls back in school, but Nico? He’s never had a girlfriend. I didn’t think he could commit to a woman for longer than one evening.

“We’ve been seeing each other since the girls went out clubbing,” he admits, eyes on the ground as he kicks a small pebble around before he glances up. “What?” he seethes as I’m still gawking at him with an undoubtedly dumbstruck expression. “You and Thalia are so good together. I thought maybe I should try it too.”

“Whoa... whoa...whoa!” I push away from the car. “Here I was, avoiding you for the last few weeks, thinking you didn’t approve of Thalia and me, and now you—”

“What? Where the fuck did you get that idea from?”

“You always say the life of a bachelor is the best. You’ve never had a girlfriend, and—”

“Yeah, I haven’t. That doesn’t mean I’m against relationships. Jesus, you seriously thought I disapprove of you having a girl?” he huffs, half amused, half offended. “You’re an idiot, you know that?We’re not getting any younger. You think I don’t know we’ll all settle down at some point?”

“We? No way you mean that. Who the hell are you?”

“Of course,we.” He rolls his eyes at my theatrics. “You don’t know me at all, do you?” He shakes his head, sounding bitter, forcing a sharp pang of guilt through my throat. “I want a family one day. A girl to come home to. I havenothingagainst you and Thalia. I like her. She’s fun and keeps you in check.”

If he really means that, he’s right. I don’t know him all too well. I’ve lived off assumptions. “Sorry, bro. It was shitty of me to just assume.”

He flicks the cigarette butt onto the sidewalk. “Yeah, it was. Even shittier of you to avoid me for three weeks. You’re a grade A douchebag, you know that? I’ve no idea what Thalia sees in you, but that’s an entirely different conversation.”


“Seriously, though. Double date. Tonight. We’re going to my restaurant. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

He hops behind the wheel, and I’m left to wrap my head around the fact that my younger brother, Mr.keep them at arm’s lengthis dating. I wonder if he had the same shut-the-fuck-upmoment when he saw me kiss Thalia in his living room.


“Thalia just got out of the shower, so she won’t be long.” I fling the door open wider to let Nico and Kaya inside.

“She just got out of the shower,andshewon’t be longdon’t belong in the same sentence, bro.”

They walk in, each step calculated, because Ares is right there, jumping and barking beneath their feet.

“Nah, she doesn’t need much time to get ready.”

“Learn from her,” Nico tells Kaya, his tone almost pleading. “It takes your fine ass an hour to choose the dress.”

“Maybe if you’d stop trying to fuck me every time I’m naked, it wouldn’t take so long.” She pats Ares on the head, walking in further. “I’ll go and check if Thalia needs help.”

“Straight ahead.” I point toward the hallway.

She’s dressed to impress in a tiny, bodycon number accentuating her immaculate, model-like figure and long legs. My brothers have a specific type of woman they’re attracted to. Logan’s all about blondes. He might check out a brunette from time to time as he did with Thalia, but I don’t think he ever fucked a brunette.

Nico, on the other hand, never looked at a blonde twice. He’s all about brunettes. Tall, skinny, with sleek hair and cover-worthy faces.

I was never that fussy. As long as I found the girl attractive, I didn’t care about hair color.

I wonder what the triplets will grow up to favor. They’re still a touch to young and hormone-ruled to have a preference. Anything that moves, has a vagina, and is willing to touch their dicks is probably enough at this point.

Nico and I step into the kitchen, and I grab us each a beer to kill time because now that Kaya has joined Thalia, she’ll help with her hair like last time, and we’ll be stuck here for longer than necessary.

Nico picks up Ares off the floor, scratching his ears and leaning back not to let the pup lick his face. “He’s getting heavy. Have you called the dog trainer yet?”

“Yeah, he’s starting classes next week. Thalia taught him a few tricks, but he’s too friendly toward strangers.”

“Gavin will train that out of him.” He pats Ares’s head. “When you learn to behave yourself, you can stay with me sometimes.”

“Don’t count on it. Shawn already called dibs on babysitting whenever I need.”

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic