Page 65 of Too Much

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We move to the dance floor when a local DJ starts his set at nine. Most girls pick off random men to dance with, and within moments it’s just Amy and me dancing alone. In the next moment, she’s snatched up too.

Now that I’m with Theo, I won’t let any man into my personal space, so I retreat to the bar, swaying to the music as I wait to be served. “Caipirinha, please,” I yell to the bartender over the blaring music. “And a glass of water.”

I whirl around, watching my friends dance and spot Kaya writhing around a tall, older man, his hands under her dress, cupping her ass. She beams, her moves clumsy as she sways on her feet, eyes hooded, distant.

I tell the bartender to keep my order behind the counter, sauntering across the dancefloor to save Kaya from letting that man fuck her at the back of the club. The thought of leaving her to fend for herself makes my teeth crack together.

“I’m fine!” she yells when I grab her hand, her gaze unfocused. She drank three brimming flutes of bubbly while doing my hair and had already downed two drinks since we enteredQhalf an hour ago. “Feel his dick!” she grabs my hand steering it toward the inseam of the man’s pants. “It’shuge!”

I yank my hand back before it makes contact. “You’re drunk, girl. Come on, you need fresh air and a glass of water.”

She doesn’t listen, righting her stance, eyes back on the silver fox beside her, who now looks positively annoyed with me. He snakes one arm around her waist, dragging her further into the crowd.

No way I’ll leave Kaya unattended. She’s not thinking clearly, giving the guy a perfect opportunity to seize the moment. Whether she likes it or not, I’m not leaving her alone while she can’t stitch together a coherent sentence. Cassidy is nearby, utterly disinterested with the guy she’s dancing with. It takes nothing more than us locking eyes and me mouthingcome with mefor her to ditch him.

“What’s wrong?” she yells in my ear.

“Kaya’s wasted. She’s basically dry humping that guy.” I point toward them, and my stomach churns. His hand is now under her dress... by the look of things, he’s fingering her in the middle of the club. “We need to get her out of here, Cass.”

“Yeah...” She wrinkles her nose, swatting at the air. “Ignore it, and don’t worry about Kaya. She probably asked him to fuck her ten times already. She always does stupid shit like that when she’s drunk.”

“That doesn’t mean we should leave her alone!”

Cass huffs but ends up waving over Mary-Jane and Amy. The four of us separate Kaya from the obnoxious man, using our bodies as a cage for the drunk brunette. He tries to put up a fight, the outline of his hard dick clearly visible under the fabric of his jeans, but he gives up when I get in his face, threatening him with security.

“Should we call her a cab?” MJ asks once we safely deposit Kaya in the booth upstairs. “She’s wasted.”

“No cabs. You don’t know if the driver won’t take advantage of her. Give me a minute. I’ll ask Theo to send one of the triplets. Get Kaya a glass of water.” I walk through the back exit to the large smoking area on the balcony, pressing my phone to my ear.

“Done already?” he asks.

“No, but could you ask one of the triplets to take Kaya home? She’s really drunk. We just pulled a very touchy-feely guy off her.” I turn my back on the few people enjoying a cigarette. “She should go home while she can still walk.”

“Areyoualright?” He asks, and the chatter in the background drops in volume as if everyone’s listening in on our conversation. “He didn’t touch you, did he?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Good. What about Kaya? Is she okay?”

I lower my voice to a whisper. “I’m pretty sure he had his fingers inside her in the middle of the dance floor, but I doubt she’ll remember it tomorrow.”

“Some party. I’ll send Cody over. Are you staying?”

“I think so. Unless the girls want to leave, but it doesn’t look like they care that much. I’ll let you know either way.”

“Yeah, okay. Stay safe,omorfiá.”

Clutching the phone firmly in my hand so I won’t miss Cody’s call, I go back inside. Minutes tick by, my party mood deteriorating fast. Even more so when Kaya steals MJ’s flute and dries downs the glass in one go, arguing with Cassidy. Her hands fly all over the place, missing MJ’s face by a hair’s breadth.

“Told you,” Cass mutters to me. “Don’t get me wrong, we all like to party, but Kaya’s out of control.”

“Don’t act like her bestie,” Kaya snaps, slurring her words. “You fucked her boyfriend!”

My cheeks instantly chill as if all blood has drained from my face. I gawk at Cassidy, waiting for her to deny it, but she chews her lip, cornflower-blue eyes avoiding my gaze. I knew she slept with one of the Hayes brothers, but considering how she acts around Logan, my money was on him.

Theo didn’t even cross my mind.

Now I know what she meant earlier when she told me shemessed upand why she didn’t want to share the story.

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic