Page 55 of Too Much

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It’s just three Hayes brothers, Jack, and a few friends left drinking, dancing, or making out wherever they think no one can see. Nico’s already gone. He took a tall brunette upstairs twenty minutes ago, but not before informing us that the guest bedrooms are available.

Thalia and I packed overnight bags, knowing there was no way we’d bother with a cab at this hour.

I pat her thigh when she stops toying with my fingers—a clear sign she’s falling asleep. “I’ll show you where you’ll sleep tonight. Just let me grab the bags first.”

I intended to leave her in the guest bedroom and join my brothers for a few more beers, then sleep in the adjacent room, but I change my mind with one question from her mouth. Especially since she asks after coming out of the en suite in a pair of short shorts and a tank top.

“Can we at least cuddle?”

Fuck yes.


“At least?”

She shrugs, dismissing the question.

I could push for an answer, but truth be told, I’m not ready to hear it. I’m not ready for her to admit she wants me just as much as I want her because if I do, there’ll be no stopping. No retreating and no pretending I can stay away and maintain our friendship.

Despite the tight squeeze on the couch last night, I slept well for the first time since she had the flu. It’s crazy how fast I became addicted to holding her close at night.

Three nights. That’s all it took, and every night I spend without her, I’m tossing and turning as if I’m having a fit, uncomfortable because her hair isn’t tickling my neck, or her elbow isn’t digging into my ribs.

Thalia hops under the sheets while I strip down to my boxers and crawl in beside her. I pull her warm body closer, inhaling the soothing scent of her shampoo. She catches my hand, resting comfortably on her stomach, and starts toying with my fingers. I close my eyes, smiling like a cat that tipped over the fishbowl, my chin on the crown of her head.

This is too intimate for friends, so why does it feel right?

“Can I ask about the guy Logan hit?” she whispers.

I consider her words, surprised that my muscles stay loose, and my mind fails to conjure images that rile me up while she’s pressed against me. “Long story short? We met in college and came up with a cool idea for a game. I was the artistic side of the project—animation and all. Kai took on programming. We spent three years perfecting the project, and when it was ready, he hacked my servers, erased any trace of my involvement, then sold the game to the highest bidder and made millions.”

“I’m sorry...” she utters, squeezing my hand. “But I’m glad I helped before you did something you’d regret.”

“Me too. Although I’d probably never regret it.” I press my lips to her head. “Sleep. You must be exhausted.”

She wiggles that perfect ass closer until we’re almost fused together, then brings our hands higher and rests her cheek on my palm, our fingers interlaced.

“Good night,” she whispers.

“Good night,omorfiá.”

She’s out within minutes, but it takes me much longer to fall asleep. I’m thinking.

Overthinking, really.

When the only step left to throw the weird friendship out the window is a kiss and wild sex, why am I not making a move? We’ve slept in the same bed, taken a bath together, and we cuddle on the couch every day. We’re basically a couple minus the most satisfying part...

An hour later, I’m relatively sure I have the answers to my questions, so I close my eyes and let myself sleep.



THEO'S NOT IN BED when I wake up around noon.

Despite sleeping ten hours straight, I don’t have a headache, even though I usually get one if I stay in bed too long. I guess my body must’ve needed the rest this time.

I grab the overnight bag, shower quickly, and get dressed. I did pack underwear for today, but I leave the lacy thongs where they are in the bag.

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic