Page 47 of Too Much

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I’m glad Theo didn’t let me settle forThis dress is too tight for pantiesbecause a blonde goddess sports a similar line across her corset that barely covers her areolas, and surprise, surprise... Logan’s on her like a greenfly on a new rose shoot.

I peruse the sea of people dressed in white, chuckling at some of the truths I see.

I’ve got a drinking problem.

40, rich and single.

I can restrain you with a hair tie.

My boobs are fake.

“Why am I not surprised?” Nico says, stopping beside us, reading my truth. “You sure are a handful.”

“Allegedly.” I wink and read his chest, my brows meeting in the middle.I won’t call you.“It was supposed to beunexpected, Nico. This,” I point at his truth, “Is obvious. You reek of non-commitment.”

“Most women don’t have your sense of smell,” he admits, but his attention is no longer on me. I follow his line of sight to a tall, slender brunette with a waterfall of straight hair in a high ponytail. “She sure does, though.” He smirks at her truth:If you call, I won’t answer.

A match made in heaven, so it seems.

Nico pats Theo on the back, tells him there’s a pop-up bar outside, and takes the bait, navigating the crowd toward the striking brunette. Really, she’s gorgeous; well-defined high cheekbones, blood-red lips, impeccable hair, makeup, and an hourglass figure wrapped in a slip dress.

Cassidy waves at me from across the room, where she stands with MJ next to a beautiful, gloss-black grand piano. She rushes over in a knee-length, tight dress with a slit running up to her hip. She hugs me, frowning when she reads my truth; my reaction is the same when I read hers.

You might need to use your safe word tonight.

“You look great, Thalia,” she says, moving to stand arm and arm with me, her eyes scanning the room. “I hear you’re not working tomorrow. How did you make that happen? I’ve begged Jared for a day off since he told me about this party.”

Theo snakes his arm around my waist, forcing me flush to his side, the gesture as expected as flowers in a junkyard. I thought he’d chase one of the many women here and prepared myself for an evening of holding my feelings in check, but here he is, touching me in public, in an intimate way.

“What do you want to drink?”

“I loved the last one you chose, so I’ll leave it up to you.”

Cassidy’s blue eyes move between Theo and me, her lips in a thin line. She does her best not to cringe or act shocked, but as soon as he’s out of earshot, she clutches my forearm. “Youfuckedhim?” she mouths. “And he’s still here?!”

“We didn’t fuck,” I hiss, glancing around to check if anyone heard her, but no one pays us any attention. “We’re friends. I live at his place, for God’s sake!”

Ah, crap.

It was so hard to keep that piece of information from her ears all these weeks... I just had to slip up now.

She digs her nails into my arm, cheeks pink, eyes wide. “Tell me eve—” She trips over the words, her smile slips, and lips part in an inaudibleoh.

I scan the room, searching for whatever got her upset, but she tugs on my hand again to get my attention before I add two and two together. Too late, I already noticed why her eyes lost their glow.


He stands by the piano now, holding a blonde goddess by her waist with one hand, the other caressing the curve of her hip. His eyes are fixed on her as he speaks, shoulders back, muscular chest on display.

Theo thinks Logan’s the least skilled in the game of seduction, but he’s got it wrong. I’d bet a lot of money that Logan’s bed saw more women than Theo’s and Nico’s combined. He’s not as subtle as Theo, but it only works in his favor. Out of the seven brothers, Logan’s the biggest player and most skilled in sweet-talking. Just like Nico’s gestures are loaded with threat, Logan’s are loaded with sexual innuendo whenever he zeroes in on a target.

Cassidy tugs on my hand again. “You need to tell meeverythingabout you and Theo.” She fakes a smile and swallows hard as if to push back the hurt clogging her throat.

“Do you want to get out of here?” I ask. She obviously has feelings for Logan which go beyond sexual attraction, and I can imagine how painful it must be to watch him with other women. “We could go toTortugofor a few drinks and then dance the night away inQ.”

“No, don’t be silly,” she says softly, flashing me a thankful smile. “And don’t try changing the subject.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind leaving.”

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic