Page 29 of Too Much

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I got in too deep, and the idea of pulling my usual fuck-and-forget bullshit on Thalia makes my pulse soar like crazy. I’d probably hurt any other fucker who’d try to pull that shit with her, too.



“HOLY SHIT,” Logan mumbles, devouring the skewers Thalia made. “This is so good.”

I forgot my tongue when he arrived with a hot babe on his arm. Tall, legs up to her armpits, blonde and gorgeous—standard Logan type. It’s not the first time, but it is a rarity for any one of us to bring a date. We’re not known for wooing women longer than an hour or two at the club. A few drinks, a few shallow compliments, and job done, but this girl might require more attention and adoration than Logan’s usual conquests.

Save for Cassidy, he’s never taken a woman out. At least not out-out. He’s brought a few to my place over the years, but nowhere public. I sure hope me fucking Cass first didn’t cost my brother a chance at something real.

“It is,” Jack agrees, dipping his skewer in tzatziki sauce. “You’re wasting your talent, babe. You should be a head chef somewhere.”

Everyone nods in agreement, making Thalia beam. I love it when she smiles like she’s achieved the impossible, eyes glowing, cheeks heating to the faintest shade of pink that’s almost untraceable on her olive skin. I’ve studied her perfect features so many times I know exactly what shade her skin usually is.

“Ares, come here,” she coos, luring the dog into the kitchen to feed him scraps. A mere second of my inattention and pans start clattering, water running from the tap.

“Don’t even think about it,” I say, glancing over my shoulder. “You know the drill, don’t get fucking smart with me,omorfiá. I do the dishes.”

“Just get a dishwasher already,” Logan huffs but moves his eyes to Thalia, leaning back in the chair. “Our mother taught us well, honey. Sit down. Grab a beer. We’ll tidy up.”

Logan’s date, Lucy, runs her long, white nails up and down Logan’s arm, leaving pale lines behind. He pushes the plate aside and drapes an arm across her shoulders, yanking her closer, his lips pressing against hers for a short kiss.

There’s nothing tender about that peck. It’s a prequel. An introduction. A promise of more. They look like college sweethearts with his sporty, almost juvenile sense of style and her dainty features, but I know he won’t keep her for longer than tonight.

“Jared’s hosting anUnexpected Truthparty in a few weeks,” Nico says, gathering the plates. “The Country Club is booked for the whole summer, so we’re hosting at my place this time. You all game?”

Ah, the famousUnexpected Truthparty.

As stupid as it might sound, it’s fucking awesome. An invitation-only event, too mainstream for the posher crowd. Rowdy music, middle-shelf alcohol, and an unusual dress code—all white. Not without reason, of course. To gain entrance, you must write an unexpected truth about yourself on your shirt or whatever you decide to wear. And, boy oh boy, does it get fun as the night progresses.

People use black sharpies throughout the evening, adding truths to their clothes while the alcohol keeps flowing, making them courageous. Drunk people are honest people.

“Hell yes,” Shawn cheers, rubbing his hands together. “I don’t like Jared, but he sure knows how to throw a good party.”

My brothers help tidy up after dinner while Thalia wraps up the leftovers and gets more beers out of the fridge.

“Oh, I don’t drink beer,” Lucy wrinkles her nose, glancing at Logan. “Did you bring my wine, baby boy?”

Copper pennies dance on my tongue when I bite the inside of my cheek hard enough to draw blood in an attempt to hold my laughter at bay.

I have ten different lines at the ready, but unless he provokes me, I won’t fuck up his chance at getting laid.

Logan winces at the endearment, careful not to make eye contact with me, Nico or Shawn. He knows shit will hit the fan if he dares to look at us right now. “Sure, honey,” he grinds out through his teeth clenched so hard I think they might shatter. “It’s in the trunk. I brought a game too.” Keys in hand, he disappears outside to come back with a bottle in one hand and a small orange box in the other. “I got this off Amazon last night. It’s a drinking game.”

Thalia steals a cushion off the sofa, throws it on the floor, and plops down, patting her thigh, silently encouraging Ares to crawl onto her lap. I’m starting to think he prefers her over me, even though he’s my dog.

“Come here, boy,” I say to test the theory. Sure enough, he doesn’t budge. “You stole my dog.”

“He’ll warm up to you.” She winks, taking a swig of her Corona. “You want to play a drinking game with beer?”

“No, babe,” Jack says, lifting a bottle of vodka off the floor by the couch where he stashed it an hour ago. “Shots.”

“In that case...” She runs to her room and returns with two big bottles of Ouzo. “Straight from Greece. I hoped to have someone I could drink this with when I bought them back in Thessaloniki.”

Excitement skyrockets as my brothers grow keen to try it.

Thessaloniki. So that’s where she’s from. Her eyes fog over for a second as she glances my way, checking if I caught the tiny piece of information she clearly didn’t mean to share.

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic