Page 13 of Too Much

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“No dibs on chicks,” he mocks, flipping me off. “You want her? Try and beat me to the fucking punch, bro.”

He’s an animal, I swear.

“I wish you’d grow up.” Shawn makes a disgusted sound at the back of his throat. “Aren’t you bored of meaningless sex? Empty house, empty bed, no one to fucking talk to?”

“Says the guy who broke it off with Jack five times so you could,” Logan air quotes, pulling a face, “explore other options.”

“That was a long time ago. We’ve been great together for four years now. I wouldn’t change what we have for any number of dicks. You three had enough pussy to last you a few lifetimes. Don’t you think it’s time to grow up? Find a wife, start a fucking family? You’re all turning thirty soon.”

Nico cocks an eyebrow. “Four years isn’tsoon, Shawn. You want to pimp us out?” He points to Logan. “Start with the oldest and work your way down.”

I’ve got to admit, Shawn’s got a point. I’m growing exceptionally tired of spending my evenings alone. Not that I’d dare spew that truth while Logan and Nico are within earshot. I’d never live it down, so... new topic.

“I’m getting a dog.”

“Unless it’s a Rottweiler and a boy Rottweiler at that, I’m not babysitting,” Logan says, practicing his swing.

“I’d never ask you. I don’t think that highly of you.”

He flips me off again, grinning. “The feeling is mutual.”

We chat about the pros and cons of owning a pet until Thalia arrives one minute before Nico’s deadline.

It’s Logan’s turn to buy the next round. Quick as lightning, he draws out the big guns as if we’re two gunslingers in an old Western, and he’s beating me to the prize this way. Doesn’t he know the one who draws first always dies?

“What time do you get off, honey?” he asks, unleashing the charm he firmly believes he’s been blessed with.

I’m not so sure. I mean,honey? Yeah, because that doesn’t sound like he just wants to fuck her real quick. How he gets laid with those shitty lines is beyond me.

“Oh, depends when the mood takes me,” Thalia chirps. “Usually, right after I wake up. Gives me a nice boost for the day.” She opens his Bud Light. “Sometimes before bed, so I sleep better.”

Logan chews his lip, processing. I think he only grasps Thalia’s play on words when Nico and I chuckle. She’s got him there. Logan doesn’t do well with overconfident women. On the flip side, the fire burning in her dark eyes ropes me into her more. She’s quick-witted... a quality I apparently find attractive.

“Morning, huh?” He gives her a fifty-dollar bill wrapped around his business card—standard Logan move. He knows most chicks lose their inhibitions once they seeArchitectural Directorwritten in bold, gold ink. Architects make a bomb, and Logan sure is the best one within at least a hundred-mile radius.“Call me if you need a helping hand, honey. Keep the change.”

“You should think that through, Logan. Your number will officially be the second one in my contact list. When the time comes to carry a couch inside my apartment, Iwillcall.”

Logan’s face falls again. Thalia’s ability to turn his lines against him throws him off his game every time, and that’s too much for him to handle. He peers over his shoulder at Nico and me with a deer-in-the-headlights look tainting his features.

Dibs,my ass.

I pull out my card, handing it over to Thalia. “If you need help lifting, you call me. Logan will throw his back out just thinking about manual labor.”

“Thank you. Once I find a place, I’ll call. Should I come back again in half an hour?”

“Sounds good.” Shawn waves her off, setting the ball to practice his swing until we no longer hear the cart.

For the next three hours, Logan humiliates himself with cringe-worthy attempts at wooing Thalia. He achieves nothing save for digging his grave deeper each time he opens his mouth.

It makes for an entertaining show.

I half expected him to wave a white flag already, but he’s determined to prove he can get the girl. He can’t. Especially now that he’s changed tactics. Instead of flirting, he tries his hardest to make her uncomfortable. He should’ve stuck with flirting. Thalia dodges the bullets, hitting back with witty quips, all the while polite and professional. Her feistiness takes Logan aback every time.

I’m pretty damn impressed.

And intrigued.

She’s not just pretty packaging.

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic