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I drop down into my car and listen as she purrs to life. After carefully putting my coffee down and making sure it’s not going to make a mess of my baby, I drive around the fountain in the center of my driveway and head down the hill to the road.

Knowing just how obsessed I am with driving my new car, I find Brylee standing outside her home, waiting for me. She gets in with a wide smile and I let her infectious attitude take away the annoyance that settled inside me after dealing with my little brother.

We get to school ten minutes later and just as I cut the engine, Brooke’s Mercedes pulls in beside me with Tora happily chatting away on the passenger’s side.

The four of us start making our way toward the entrance of the school and I can’t help but take in the vibe of the other seniors around me. It’s clear that everyone is pumped for this. We’re the new kings and queens of the school and we are going to dominate.

I feel a heavy gaze against my back and I can’t help but cast my eyes back over my shoulder and find my biggest regret of the weekend. Puck stares back at me with a grin playing on his lips and I hold back a groan. What was I thinking spending the night dancing all over him? Puck is dangerous. He’s not only one of the most popular guys in school with a bad reputation, but he’s the guy who will willingly play with a girl’s heart just to watch it crumble.

I turn straight back around. He’s staring at me like I’m some kind of game he isn’t sure that he wants to play, but what’s more, he’s looking at me like I’m his next meal and I don’t know what to make of that. It leaves a big question mark in my life. I like control. I like to know what’s going to happen before it does, and not knowing what Puck’s intentions are is really messing with my head.

Surely he would know that I’m not interested in being some guy’s bed buddy. I have standards and at the risk of sounding like a bitch, Puck certainly doesn’t meet them. He’s way too rough around the edges and he certainly isn’t the boyfriend type. He’s a dangerous game that I’m not willing to play, despite how fun it may be.

I try to focus on the girls’ conversation as we walk through the massive double doors of Broken Hill High. The doors close behind us, relieving me from Puck’s unwanted stare, but all it does is put us in the firing line for everyone else.

All the cheerleaders are gathered around, presumably waiting for their queen, Elle, with every single one of their eyes cast upon our group, more specifically Tora. There’s no doubt there’s going to be some sort of retaliation from Josh shoving his tongue down Tora’s throat. The cheerleaders deem Josh as their property. Actually, they deem all the football players theirs which is absolutely fine by me. I really don’t care for their school politics and drama, but Tora is dangerously toeing the line of insanity by getting involved with him.

We head down the corridor, bypassing the bitchy cheerleaders and losing Tora to her locker. Brooke falls off in the opposite direction and soon enough it’s just me and Brylee, side by side at ours.

I put in my combination for my lock and get busy sorting everything out for the first day of school. Brylee’s just a tad more organized then me and already has her shit waiting front and center, and no doubt, it’s probably color coordinate as well.

She tosses her handbag into her locker before scooping up her bag and shutting the door, while I busily scramble around, trying to work out what the hell I did with my binder.

Brylee looks up and down the corridor as though she’s trying to find someone and I look at her with a strange curiosity. “What’s up with you?” I grumble into my locker before finally finding what I need and pulling it out. “You’ve been awfully quiet.”

Bry’s face scrunches up before she takes another look around and cringes. Her eyes come back to mine after what feels like a lifetime. “Shit,” she sighs. “Promise you won’t say anything?”

My brows instantly shoot up into my hairline as the curiosity nearly kills me. “What?” I demand. “What did you do?”

She cringes again and I have to resist grabbing her shoulders and shaking her to get answers I’m so desperate for. “You remember the party on Friday night, right?”

My eyes close for a brief moment as I’m instantly reminded of my momentary lapse of judgment. “Yes,” I tell her with a sight groan. “Though I’m trying not to.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance