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A wicked grin stretches across my face. I like what I see and no doubt, I’m down to party with a drunk Courtney.

I grab the bottle of Vodka from Courtney’s fingers and her head whips in my direction. Her eyes widen for a fraction of a second and truth be told, she looks terrified, but there’s none of that shit tonight.

I lift the bottle to my lips and take a quick drink before glancing around the three girls. “First one to throw up loses.”

Brooke snatches the bottle from me with a challenge deep in her eyes. “You’re on.”

Three hours later, well and truly after the majority of the party has left, I’m standing in the middle of the dance floor with Courtney grinding against me and Brylee throwing up in the bushes with Tyson. Jesse and Maxen are chilling in the pool with a bunch of naked chicks after tossing them in, and Nate? Well, who the fuck knows where he is?

All I do know is that I’ve never had such a great fucking night and I’d bet that it has a little something to do with this sexy minx dancing up on me.

Chapter 3


How is it two days later and my head still hurts?

Friday night was a huge mistake. What was I thinking of drinking like that? Don’t get me wrong, I’m no prude, but if I’m going to let myself get wild, then usually, it’s going to be somewhere a little more controlled; not a freaking house party where guys like Puck are lurking around, looking for their next victim.

I’m lucky nothing happened to either me or Brylee. I was supposed to be the responsible one, looking out for both of us so she could relax and have a few drinks. Somehow, we both ended up walking our dumb asses home at four in the morning after I spent the night rubbing my ass and tits up against Puck’s strong body and she spent it hurling her guts in the backyard with Tyson.

How fucking ridiculous.

I lean over to my bedside table and silence my alarm, dreading the day ahead of me. It’s day one of senior year, and I was a fool to allow it to start with a hangover that doesn’t want to go away.

I groan, throwing the blankets off me as I sit up in bed. Maybe a warm shower and a bit of food might help. Shit, who am I kidding? I need pain-killers and a strong kind at that.

I dig through my bedside table and find my pain-killers under all the crap that’s been accumulating over the past few years. I reach for my glass of water only to find it empty.

Just my luck.

I stare at the little pills with disgust. There’s nothing worse than swallowing these little lifesavers without water. Ugh, just the thought of them going down my throat dry makes me want to gag. I guess I have no choice but to get out of bed.

I trudge through my room and bypass my private bathroom. Mom decided that all the bathrooms in the house were due for an upgrade despite having them done only three years ago. How mom wants to spend her money is completely her business, it’s her house after all. My issue is that she decided to do them all at once rather than one at a time, meaning I now have to share the guest bathroom with my little brother, Matty. It’s frustrating as hell. The little dweeb has absolutely no respect for personal space, though he’s only eight so I guess that will come. I hope.

I make my way into the guest bathroom and bypass the whole filling up a glass thing. I drop the pain-killers onto my tongue before shoving my whole head under the tap and turning it on just a little too hard.

I choke as the cold water hits the back of my throat suddenly, spraying me and the bathroom entirely. If this was a telling sign of how my senior year was going to be, I’m going to be pissed

I’ve been looking forward to my senior year. It’s supposed to be one of the best years of my life and if it’s destined to go downhill…I don’t know what I’m going to do, but it sure as hell will suck.

Seeing as though I’m already soaking wet, I may as well get started on my day. I strip out of my now cold pajamas and step into the shower, basking in the feel of the hot water against my skin.

With it being the first day and all, I decided to go all out. I wash and condition my hair, scrub myself silly, and shave my legs until they’re as smooth as a baby’s bum. As I tilt my head back into the stream of hot water the bathroom door flies open, and in barges Matty without a care in the world.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance