Page 39 of Dark Crown

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Robert laughs. “Sorry, Adrik. My wife has a sweet tooth.”

Of course she does.

I’m eager to get Eliza home and into bed for the second time in a few hours. It makes little sense why I’m so desperate for her. As if she’s becoming an addiction that I can’t kick.

“How long have you both been married?” Eliza asks. Her voice sounds foreign to my ears as she’s been so quiet the entire dinner.

Karen smiles. “We just celebrated our thirtieth wedding anniversary a month ago.”

Eliza nods. “Congratulations. That’s a long time.”

Robert shakes his head. “It has flown by. I can hardly believe it’s been that long.”

“Do you have any children?” Eliza asks.

I’m thankful that she’s now the one making small talk with them, as it lets me off the hook.

“Yes, a son and a daughter. Both grown up and attending college.” There’s a far-off look in Karen’s eyes as she says that. “Do the two of you plan to have children?”

Eliza’s expression turns solemn at the question, making me certain I need to jump in.

“For sure, we want a family.” I squeeze her hand. “Don’t we, my love?”

Her nostrils flare, but she nods her head. “Yes, of course.” Eliza falls silent from then on as Karen and Robert whittle on about children and marriage. I drone them out within seconds of them starting. Awareness of the woman sat next to me skating down my spine.

There’s something dangerous about acting with my wife, as it makes me wonder if we could ever have this kind of relationship for real. One where we sit together out of choice and enjoy each other’s company. I can think of worse people to spend my time with, but I’m certain she can’t. Eliza knows what I am, a monster with no heart.

* * *

After another excruciatingforty-five minutes at dinner with the happy couple, we are safe in the back of my town car, making our escape.

Eliza looks out of the window as we drive toward the mansion, her frame rigid and taut. Soon enough she’ll be writhing beneath me, fighting that urge to come apart and yet losing the battle.

“Why did you calm me at dinner?” I ask, the question escaping before I can stop myself.

Her dark eyes move to me and she shrugs. “I didn’t want the mayor’s teeth knocked out at the dinner table.”

A smirk tugs at my lips. “Is that right?” I tilt my head. “And what makes you think that was about to be my reaction?”

Her eyes narrow. “I have good intuition. I saw the way you tensed, ready for a fight.”


Eliza has a talent for reading people, as I was very tempted to get physical with him. After all, he’s taking me for a weak man by trying to coerce more money out of the cartel. However, intimidation is best left to somewhere private, where there are no witnesses. A meeting at his office will suffice.

“Thank you,” I say simply.

Her eyes widen slightly, but she shakes her head. “I didn’t do it for you.”

I arch a brow. “No?”

“No, they’re a nice couple and don’t deserve to be treated badly.”

I laugh at that. “Robert Kendall isn’t a nice person, Eliza. He’s agreeing to deals with a drug cartel when his job is to protect and serve the people of this city.” I run a hand through my hair. “Do you really think a nice man would do that?”

Her jaw clenches and she shakes her head. “I guess not.” There’s irritation in her eyes that she has to concede to my logic, but it’s refreshing that she’s not the kind of woman to stick to her guns even when she’s wrong. “His wife is innocent, though.”

I shrug. “Aren’t they always?”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance